International Save the Vaquita Day – Saturday, July11, 2015

This year,Saturday, July 11, 2015 has been designated as the Third 
International Save theVaquita Day!!  This is intended to be anannual event 
similar to Earth Day, but with a specific focus on raisingawareness and 
appreciation of the world’s most endangered marine mammal, thevaquita (Phocoena 
sinus).  Eventsaround the globe will direct the attention of people to the 
plight of this tinyporpoise species, and what needs to be done to save it from 
extinction. There will be booths, games, music, free prizes, educational 
brochures, talks,face painting, and several life-size models of vaquitas on 
hand to drawattention to and appreciation of the vaquita, Mexico’s “Panda of 
the Sea”.

The primarygoal is to make as many people as possible aware of the vaquita and 
its plight,and spur them to act.  The species is nearly extinct, with only 
about 50-80individuals left, and is declining at about 20-30% per year!  We 
will havea simple message for folks about what they can do to help (support for 
theMexican Government’s gillnet ban, but pressure that the ban needs to 
bepermanent).  The event is designed to be fun, as well as educational, 

This year,there will be over 21 venues, in the United States, Mexico, Austria, 
and HongKong.  We also hope to attract media attention, so that the vaquita 
iscovered on national and local news, thereby greatly expanding the number 
ofpeople exposed.

Please checkour website 
tolearn the latest on the activities planned and venue details.  We hope you 
will attend (or better yet,volunteer at) an event in your area. Please support 
efforts to save the vaquita from extinction!

Tom Jefferson/ VIVA Vaquita
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