Dear colleagues,

we are pleased to announce the publication of the following article:

Effects of subsampling of passive acoustic recordings on acoustic metrics 
Karolin Thomisch, Olaf Boebel, Daniel P. Zitterbart, Flore Samaran, Sofie Van 
Parijs and Ilse Van Opzeeland.
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 138(1), 267-278;


Passive acoustic monitoring is an important tool in marine mammal studies. 
However, logistics and finances frequently constrain the number and servicing 
schedules of acoustic recorders, requiring a trade-off between deployment 
periods and sampling continuity, i.e., the implementation of a subsampling 
scheme. Optimizing such schemes to each project's specific research questions 
is desirable. This study investigates the impact of subsampling on the accuracy 
of two common metrics, acoustic presence and call rate, for different 
vocalization patterns (regimes) of baleen whales: (1) variable vocal activity, 
(2) vocalizations organized in song bouts, and (3) vocal activity with diel 
patterns. To this end, above metrics are compared for continuous and subsampled 
data subject to different sampling strategies, covering duty cycles between 50% 
and 2%. The results show that a reduction of the duty cycle impacts negatively 
on the accuracy of both acoustic presence and call rate estimates. For a given 
duty cycle, frequent short listening periods improve accuracy of daily acoustic 
presence estimates over few long listening periods. Overall, subsampling 
effects are most pronounced for low and/or temporally clustered vocal activity. 
These findings illustrate the importance of informed decisions when applying 
subsampling strategies to passive acoustic recordings or analyses for a given 
target species.

The article is published open-access and can be downloaded from the following 

For further questions please contact me at<>.

Best wishes,
Karolin Thomisch

Karolin Thomisch
PhD Candidate

Alfred-Wegener-Institut, Helmholz-Zentrum für Polar- und Meeresforschung
Ocean Acoustics Lab
Am Alten Hafen 26
27568 Bremerhaven

Phone:  +49 (471) 4831 1032

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