The Journal of Mammalogy has published an early-view paper by Robeck et al. 
entitled "Comparisons of life-history parameters between free-ranging and 
captive killer whale (Orcinus orca) populations for application toward species 
Based on the paper's analyses, the authors suggest that it is likely that "the 
estimated ages assigned to [northern and southern resident killer whales] at 
the start of the study period (1973 - Bigg et al. 1987; Olesiuk et al. 1990) 
were inaccurate." They go on to say "Our analysis supports a proposed longevity 
of between 60 and 70 years for females and 50 and 60 years for males, with the 
vast majority (>97%) of animals dying by age 50. This is substantially less 
than the longevity of 80-90 years for females and 60-70 years for males that 
have [sic] been previously suggested."

The authors also state that "Reproductive senescence in killer whales, often 
erroneously termed menopause, has been proposed as a relatively unique strategy 
for the transmission of information related to population fitness (Foster et 
al. 2012; Brent et al. 2015; Whitehead 2015) or reproductive success (Ward et 
al. 2009b). However, reproductive and actuarial senescence is common in 
mammalian species studied to date (for review, see Nussey et al. 2013) and it 
therefore should not be considered an unexpected finding in killer whales."

Finally, they note "While life tables would provide a more accurate 
age-specific estimation of longevity, they are inappropriate for the 3 
populations analyzed in this study [that is, southern and northern resident 
killer whales and SeaWorld killer whales] since no known-age animals have died 
in the older age groups...Thus, for the time being, [mean life expectancy] and 
[average life expectancy] based on overall population [annual survivorship 
rate] may be the most accurate measure [sic] of longevity."

Given that this paper concludes that concepts long-accepted in the marine 
mammal science community for killer whales are or are likely incorrect, those 
who have examined killer whale life history traits and social structure in the 
past might wish to know of and read/review this paper.



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