Dear colleagues,On behalf of my co-authors, I am happy to announce therecent 
publication of the following review article on usage of energetictidal-stream 
habitats by marine megafauna (marine mammals and seabirds): 
Reference:Benjamins, S., Dale, A. C., Hastie, G., Waggitt, J. J., Lea,M. A., 
Scott, B., & Wilson, B. (2015). Confusion reigns? A review of marinemegafauna 
interactions with tidal-stream environments. Oceanography and MarineBiology: An 
Annual Review, 53, 1-54. Abstract:Energetic tidal-stream environments are 
characterized byfrequent, variable, yet broadly predictable currents containing 
ephemeral flowstructures that change across multiple spatio-temporal scales. 
Marine mammalsand seabirds (marine megafauna) often frequent such sites, but 
increasinglythese locations are targeted for renewable energy extraction; 
little is known,however, about how marine megafauna use these habitats and any 
potentialimpacts. This review aims to summarize existing knowledge concerning 
usage bymarine megafauna and considers their wider ecological significance. The 
reviewdescribes the physical processes occurring within tidal-stream 
environmentsthat generate the oceanographic structures of potential ecological 
relevance,such as jets, boils, eddies, and fronts. Important physical features 
of theseenvironments include lateral transport, turbulence-driven 3-dimensional 
flowstructure at various spatial scales, and upwelling. Foraging 
opportunitiesappear to be the main attractor to marine megafauna, likely driven 
by enhancedprey abundance, vulnerability, or diversity. Many megafauna 
associate withparticular tidal phases, current strengths, and flow structures, 
most likely inresponse to tidally forced prey distribution and behaviours. 
Occupancypatterns, distributions, and foraging behaviours are discussed. Local 
sitefidelity by ‘tidal-stream experts’ suggest non-uniform conservation 
riskswithin larger metapopulations. The review discusses data-gathering 
techniquesand associated challenges, the significance of scaling, and 
information gaps. A preprint PDF of the report can be obtained here; otherwise 
feel free to contact me by email at the address below. Many thanks,Steven 
 Dr. Steven BenjaminsResearchAssociate in Marine Vertebrate EcologySAMS 
(ScottishAssociation for Marine Science)
PA37 1QA

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