Ocean Science Consulting Limited (OSC) is running a Marine Mammal Observer (MMO) and Passive Acoustic Monitoring (PAM) training course for experienced observers (must have 12 weeks experience), which has been approved by the New Zealand Department of Conservation (DOC), as being consistent with standards in the ‘2013 code of conduct for minimising acoustic disturbance to marine mammals from seismic survey operations’ (the Code). OSC’s DOC-approved course was the first combined MMO and PAM training available in the world for working in NZ waters, and our first ever course ran successfully in May 2014. Our next course is scheduled in December 2015.

OSC’s high-quality training involves responsive personal (including one-to-one) tuition throughout, hands-on experience with state-of-the-art PAM equipment during classroom theory and practical sessions, and field practice aboard a vessel at sea.

OSC is a technology-focused marine science R&D company with over a decade of experience in supplying commercial and scientific MMO and PAM services to the offshore and other marine-related industries worldwide. OSC has a company in New Zealand servicing the Asia-Pacific region (www.osc-nz.co.nz <http://www.osc-nz.co.nz>), a company in the UK operating worldwide (www.osc.co.uk <http://www.osc.co.uk>), and a branch in Greece (www.oceanscienceconsulting.gr <http://www.oceanscienceconsulting.gr>) servicing the Mediterranean and neighbouring geographical waters. Our course instructors are highly experienced and degree-level qualified scientists, practiced MMOs and PAM Operators, and authors of the 'Marine Mammal Observer and Passive Acoustic Monitoring Handbook’ (www.marinemammalobserverhandbook.co.uk <http://www.marinemammalobserverhandbook.co.uk>), which forms the course manual.

OSC’s knowledge and expertise is second-to-none, and DOC has set exacting training standards, so this course is the obvious choice for anyone wishing to train and prepare as a competent MMO and PAM Operator to work anywhere in the world (please note additional local qualifications and experience may be required).

The next course will be run in Wellington, New Zealand, for three days, from 7–9 December 2015.

All candidates must have their own equipment, including reticle binoculars (i.e. lens stencilled with measurements for range estimation), handheld GPS, ID guide, and a laptop preloaded with NZ data forms, software required for your GPS, and PAMGuard.

*To register for the course, please send your CV and a brief description of why you want to attend this course to **cour...@osc-nz.co.nz* <mailto:cour...@osc-nz.co.nz>*.*Your CV must give details (client, location, type of industrial activity, role, duration, etc.) of your offshore experience, as this course is only available for experienced MMOs and PAM Operators. As per DOC requirements, a minimum of 12 weeks sea time as a professional seismic MMO/PAM Operator anywhere in the world is required to undertake this course.

***The deadline for applications is 20 November 2015.

*The full payment of $2,700 (NZD) is required to secure your position. Course costs do not include accommodation or food, and candidates are required to make their own travel arrangements to and from Wellington.

Please note that this is not simply an ‘attend-and-pass course’. In accordance with DOC’s requirements, successful candidates must achieve ‘results of 75% and above’, although we will provide further reassessment procedures for anyone initially scoring less than 75%. This high pass mark is a key selling point for successful candidates to demonstrate their knowledge and competence; furthermore, for candidates who preform exceptionally, OSC may have opportunities for employment and/or scientific research (http://www.osc.co.uk/publications-and-press-covers).

We look forward to seeing you on our course soon.

MMO & PAM Course Coordinator
c/o Melanie Orr
160 Goat Island Rd
Leigh RD5
Warkworth 0985
New Zealand
W: www.osc-nz.co.nz

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