Dear colleagues,
My co-authors and I are pleased to announce the following publication:

Bas. A.A., Lagoa J.C., Atchoi E. 2016. New records of Cuvier's beaked whales 
(Ziphius cavirostris) from the Turkish Levantine Sea. Turkish Journal of 
Zoology. DOI: 10.3906/zoo-1509-19

Cuvier's beaked whales were sighted once on each of three different surveys 
over Antalya Canyon, in June and September 2015. Sightings took place in waters 
between 600 and 1000 m depth and at 8 km from the closest shore. While the 
first sighting was positively identified as Cuvier's beaked whale (Ziphius 
cavirostris) (G. Cuvier, 1823), latter sightings couldn't be identified to 
species level. Nevertheless, noting that latter sightings had a similar spatial 
and temporal distribution to the first one and that there is an overwhelming 
difference between the probabilities of sighting Cuvier's beaked whales versus 
Mesoplodon sp. in the Mediterranean Sea, all three sightings were assumed to be 
Cuvier's beaked whales. Group size was recorded as two for the first two 
sightings and one for the last sighting. We hereby report the most recent 
Cuvier’s beaked whale sightings from the Levantine Basin and the first ones 
from Antalya Bay, as well as compile the previous sighting and stranding 
information on beaked whales in the eastern Mediterranean Sea. The current 
study supports previous modelling results showing the northern region of the 
Levantine Sea to be of importance to the species distribution in the 
Mediterranean Sea and we propose that the species is indeed regularly present 
in the area. However, consistent regional surveys are needed in order to 
validate these conclusions. 

The paper is available online:

For information or request please contact: akkayaaylinn at

Warm regards,
Aylin Akkaya Bas
Deniz Memelileri Araştırma Derneği (DMAD)
Marine Mammals Research Association
+90 5337739867
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