Dear list members,

we are pleased to announce publication of the following manuscript: 

Favaro L., Neves S., Furlati S., Pessani D., Martin V. & Janik VM. (2016). 
Evidence suggests vocal production learning in a cross-fostered Risso’s dolphin 
(Grampus griseus). Animal Cognition. doi: 10.1007/s10071-016-0961-x

Vocal learning is a rare skill in mammals, and we have limited information 
about the contexts in which they use it. Previous studies suggested that 
cetaceans in general are skilled at imitating sounds, but only few species have 
been studied to date. To expand this investigation to another species and to 
investigate the possible influence of the social environment on vocal learning, 
we studied the whistle repertoire of a female Risso’s dolphin (Grampus griseus) 
that was stranded at an early age and was subsequently raised in a group of 
bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus). We show that this cross-fostered 
animal produced vocal signals more akin to those of its Tursiops poolmates than 
those of Risso’s dolphins in the wild. This is one of very few systematic 
cross-fostering studies in cetaceans and the first to suggest vocal production 
learning in the Risso’s dolphin. Our findings also suggest that social 
experience is a major factor in the development of the vocal repertoire in this 

The full text is available for download online at: 

Best wishes,
Livio Favaro

Livio Favaro, PhD
Università degli Studi di Torino
Dip. Scienze della Vita e Biologia dei Sistemi
Laboratorio di Zoologia e Biologia Marina
Via Accademia Albertina, 13 - 10123 Torino
Tel.    +39.011.6704538 / 78
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