Dear MARMAM Colleagues,

We are pleased to announce the following open access publication in Frontiers 
in Marine Science:

Sprogis, K.R., Pollock, K.H., Raudino, H.C., Allen, S.J., Kopps, A.M., Manlik, 
O., Tyne, J.A., and Bejder, L. (2016). Sex-specific patterns in abundance, 
temporary emigration and survival of Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops 
aduncus) in coastal and estuarine waters. Frontiers in Marine Science 3:12. 

Inherent difficulties in determining the sex of free-ranging, sexually 
monomorphic species often prevents a sex-specific focus on estimating 
abundance, movement patterns and survival rates. This study provides insights 
into sex-specific population parameters of Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphins 
(Tursiops aduncus). Systematic, boat-based photo-identification surveys (n = 
417) were conducted year-round from 2007-2013 in coastal and estuarine waters 
off Bunbury, Western Australia. Pollock’s Robust Design was used to quantify 
population parameters for three datasets: i) adults and juveniles combined, ii) 
adult females and iii) adult males. For all datasets, abundance estimates 
varied seasonally, with general highs during summer and/or autumn, and lows 
during winter. Dolphins had seasonally structured temporary emigration rates 
with similar trends between sexes. The derived return rate (1-γ’) of temporary 
emigrants into the study area was highest from winter to spring, indicating 
that dolphins had a high probability of return into the study area during 
spring. We suggest that the return of dolphins into the study area and increase 
in abundance is influenced by the breeding season (summer/autumn). Prey 
availability is likely a main driver responsible for the movement of dolphins 
out of the study area during winter. Seasonal apparent survival rates were 
constant and high (0.98-0.99) for all datasets. High apparent survival rates 
suggest there is no permanent emigration from the study area. Our sex-specific 
modeling approach offers a comprehensive interpretation of the population 
dynamics of a top predator in a coastal and estuarine environment and acts as a 
model for future sex-based population studies on sexually monomorphic species.

The article is freely available from Frontiers in Marine Science:<>
A publication summary is on our website:

Kind regards,
Kate Sprogis PhD
Cetacean Research Unit | School of Veterinary and Life Sciences,
Murdoch University, 90 South St, Murdoch WA 6150, Australia<> | MUCRU Kate 
Sprogis<> | Kate Sprogis 
Recent paper:
Sprogis, K., Raudino, H., Rankin R., MacLeod, C. and Bejder, L. 2016. Home 
range size of adult Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops aduncus) in a 
coastal and estuarine system is habitat and sex-specific. Marine Mammal 
Science<>. 32(1): 
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