Dear Colleagues,

Apologies to those of you who will receive duplicate emails due to cross-posting
The 10th marine mammal necropsy workshop is organized by the Department of 
Veterinary Pathology (University of Liege, Belgium), the Laboratory of Applied 
Bioacoustics LAB (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain) and the UMS 
Pelagis, Centre de Recherche sur les Mammifères Marins (University of La 
Rochelle, France). 

The session will be held at the Veterinary College on the Sart Tilman campus 
(Liège, Belgium) on July 6, 7 and 8, 2016. 20 marine mammals will be 
extensively necropsied and sampled, based on a standard procedure (European 
marine mammal necropsy procedure based on the proceeding of the first European 
Cetacean Society workshop on cetacean pathology: dissection techniques and 
tissue sampling. ECS Newsletter #17 special issue: 1991, 39 p. by Kuiken T. and 
Garcia Hartmann M. and adapted in previous European Cetacean Society necropsy 

A special attention will be the extraction and fixation (injection) of the 
inner ear.  Session will be devoted to dissection, sampling and tissues banking 
procedures , another session will be reserved for acoustics and inner ear 
extraction and fixation ; afternoons will be dedicated to necropsies, mostly 
harbor porpoises. The number of attendees is limited to 20, in order to pair 
off participants under the supervision of a veterinary pathologist and 
specialists of the inner ear dissection.

Information and registration:

Very best regards

T. Jauniaux

Thierry Jauniaux, DMV, PhD

Assistant Professor
Diplomate of European College of
Zoological Medicine

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