Dear All,

Hi Everyone,

We are pleased to announce the publication of a new paper in Royal Society Open 

Socially segregated, sympatric sperm whale clans in the Atlantic Ocean
By: Shane Gero, Anne Bøttcher, Hal Whitehead, Peter Teglberg Madsen

The paper is OPEN ACCESS and available here:

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Sperm whales (Physeter macrocephalus) are unusual in that there is good 
evidence for sympatric populations with distinct culturally determined 
behaviour, including potential acoustic markers of the population division. In 
the Pacific, socially segregated, vocal clans with distinct dialects coexist; 
by contrast, geographical variation in vocal repertoire in the Atlantic has 
been attributed to drift. We examine networks of acoustic repertoire similarity 
and social interactions for 11 social units in the Eastern Caribbean. We find 
the presence of two socially segregated, sympatric vocal clans whose dialects 
differ significantly both in terms of categorical coda types produced by each 
clan (Mantel test between clans: matrix correlation = 0.256; p ≤ 0.001) and 
when using classification-free similarity which ignores defined types (Mantel 
test between clans: matrix correlation = 0.180; p ≤ 0.001). The more common of 
the two clans makes a characteristic 1 + 1 + 3 coda, while the other less often 
sighted clan makes predominantly regular codas. Units were only observed 
associating with other units within their vocal clan. This study demonstrates 
that sympatric vocal clans do exist in the Atlantic, that they define a higher 
order level of social organization as they do in the Pacific, and suggests that 
cultural identity at the clan level is probably important in this species 

Cited as: Gero, S., Bøttcher, A., Whitehead, H. & Madsen, P.T. 2016 Socially 
segregated, sympatric sperm whale clans in the Atlantic Ocean. R. Soc. Open 
Sci. 3, 160061. (doi:10.1098/rsos.16006)

My very best,

Shane Gero<>
FNU Research Fellow
Marine Bioacoustics Lab<>
Institute for Bioscience
Aarhus University

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