Dear colleagues,

We are pleased to announce an upcoming paper in the Journal of Marine
Biology Association, UK:

Individual movements between local coastal populations of bottlenose
dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) in the northern and eastern Black Sea.

Abstract: The Black Sea subspecies of the bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops
truncatus ponticus) is threatened and has a small range. Its population
structure is little known: it possibly includes a few local coastal
populations. We assessed connectivity between coastal groupings in six
localities along 800 km of the coastline based on records of
photo-identified animals between 2004 and 2014. Abundance of these
groupings, as estimated, ranged between 76 and 174 individually distinctive
dolphins. In total, there were 350 identified individuals, of which 91
(26%) were resighted within the same areas. However, only three cases of
individual movements between local coastal populations were recorded at the
distances between 135 and 325 km. Therefore, despite the absence of
physical barriers, the coastal Black Sea population is fragmented into
numerous resident or locally migrating groupings with site fidelity. These
local populations are loosely connected to each other with rare movements
between them. This fragmentation can be a factor contributing to short-term
fluctuations in abundance of Black Sea bottlenose dolphins and their
decline in some localities, despite the potentially high population growth

The full citation is Gladilina, E., Shpak, O., Serbin, V., Kryukova, A.,
Glazov, D. and Gol’din, P. (2016) ‘Individual movements between local
coastal populations of bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) in the
northern and eastern Black Sea’, *Journal of the Marine Biological
Association of the United Kingdom*, , pp. 1–7. doi:

Feel free to request a copy from me at

Best regards,
Elena Gladilina
PhD Candidate
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