Dear MARMAM colleagues,

My co-authors and I are happy to announce the publication of the following 
paper in Ecosphere:

Christiansen, F., A. M. Dujon, K. R. Sprogis, J. P. Y. Arnould, and L. Bejder. 
2016. Noninvasive unmanned aerial vehicle provides estimates of the energetic 
cost of reproduction in humpback whales. Ecosphere 7(10):e01468. 

An animal's body condition will affect its survival and reproductive success, 
which influences population dynamics. Despite its importance, relatively little 
is known about the body condition of large whales and its relationship to 
reproduction. We assessed the body condition of humpback whales (Megaptera 
novaeangliae) at a breeding/resting ground from aerial photographs recorded 
using an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV). Photogrammetry methods were used to 
measure the surface area of individual whales, which was used as an index for 
body condition. Repeated measurements of the same individuals were not 
possible; hence, this study represents a cross-sectional sample of the 
population. Intraseasonal changes in the body condition of four reproductive 
classes (calves, immature, mature, and lactating) were investigated to infer 
the relative energetic cost that each class faces during the breeding season. 
To better understand the costs of reproduction, we investigated the 
relationship between female body condition (FBC) and the linear growth and body 
condition of their dependent calves (CBC). We documented a linear decline in 
the body condition of mature whales (0.027 m2/d; n = 20) and lactating females 
(0.032 m2/d; n = 31) throughout the breeding season, while there was no change 
in body condition of immature whales (n = 51) and calves (n = 32). The 
significant decline in mature and lactating female's body condition implies 
substantial energetic costs for these reproductive classes. In support of this, 
we found a positive linear relationship between FBC and CBC. This suggests that 
females in poorer body condition may not have sufficient energy stores to 
invest as much energy into their offspring as better conditioned females 
without jeopardizing their own body condition and survival probability. 
Measurement precision was investigated from repeated measurements of the same 
animals both from the same and different photographs, and by looking at 
residual errors in relation to the positioning of the whales in the 
photographs. The resulting errors were included in a sensitivity analysis to 
demonstrate that model parameters were robust to measurement errors. Our 
findings provide strong support for the use of UAVs as a noninvasive tool to 
measure the body condition of whales and other mammals.

A copy of the paper can be downloaded for free from:<>

For more information about the project, please visit our project webpage:<><>

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Best regards,

Fredrik Christiansen

Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Cetacean Research Unit, School of Veterinary and Life Sciences
Murdoch University, Murdoch, WA 6150, Australia
+61 417 502 098,

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