Project Title: Patterns of individual variation in post-weaning behaviour in 
wild grey seals
The application deadline is 20th January 2017

Supervisory team:

Dr. Sean D. 
 Durham University

Dr. Patrick 
University of St. Andrews

 Bevan, Newcastle University

Dr Kimberley<> Bennett, 
Abertay University
Dr Amanda Bishop<>, Alaska 
SeaLife Center

Project description: Juvenile survival is a major driver of population dynamics 
in many mammals, including seals1. While factors determining breeding site 
selection and use in adult pinnipeds are well studied2-4, neonate utilisation 
of these habitats is less well understood, despite the importance of 
understanding the ontogeny of early behaviour. There is ongoing debate and 
research into physiological mechanisms that may determine the post weaning fast 
(PWF) duration in grey seals (Halichoerus grypus)5,6. However, there remains a 
dearth of behavioural data on weaned pups; how they spend their time on their 
natal colony, how much they explore and move around the colony and variation in 
departure time relative to weaning and weaning conditions. Recent studies show 
consistent individual differences (‘personalities’) in grey seal mothers7, but 
it remains unknown whether these behavioural profiles are expressed in weaned 
pups. It is possible that different behavioural types may show different 
tendencies for post weaning behaviour and fast duration.
In addition, a key parameter for the current grey seal population model based 
on pup production is ‘time to leave’ (TTL); the time a pup is ashore from birth 
to its departure from the breeding colony8. TTL comprises lactation duration 
(LD) and PWF. Factors influencing LD are largely maternal, and these likely 
also influence PWF, but additional site specific factors may also influence 
PWF. Estimates of PWF from the UK are few and dated from the 1980’s and 
1990’s9-11. Population models suggest PWF is highly variable within and between 
UK regions and the TTL used in pup production models may be an underestimate8. 
Local habitat and weather conditions, along with individual behavioural type 
and activity may contribute to PWF variation, yet detailed analysis of drivers 
of weaned pup behaviour is limited. This project aims to contribute to this gap 
in knowledge by investigating intrinsic and extrinsic factors that determine 
individual differences in on colony behaviour and PWF duration.

Significance: This study will provide insights into the basic patterns of 
on-colony behaviour, the ontogeny of behaviour in naïve juvenile grey seals, 
and the diversity of behavioural profiles and their adaptability to changing 
conditions. Specifically, variation in PWF and the drivers for departure from 
the colony are fundamental parameters in grey seal population models. 
Information from this study will directly inform these models which are 
fundamental to SMRU’s work and input to governmental advice via SCOS8.

Methodology: Fieldwork will encompass 3 successive autumnal breeding seasons at 
the Isle of May (Scotland) colony. This study will focus on individual 
variation in post weaning behaviour, fast duration and mass loss. Detailed 
observations of weaned pups will be achieved through a combination of standard 
behavioural observations, and use of telemetry devices (e.g. accelerometery & 
GPS), to examine variation in activity and movement patterns on colony and 
assess the role of extrinsic factors on dispersal/movement and departure (e.g. 
topography, weather, adult aggression) whilst controlling for intrinsic drivers 
(weaning mass and rates of post weaning mass loss, behavioural type). The study 
will be integrated with ongoing studies of adult female behaviour and 
energetics on the breeding colony, to provide background data on the 
maternal/nursing environment of the weaned pups and maternal behavioural type. 
A subset of weaned pups will be exposed to simple behavioural tests to examine 
variation in behavioural types (exploratoriness, inquisitiveness, boldness 
etc.). The longitudinal study design will allow the student to examine 
inter-cohort differences (e.g. driven by annual weather differences) and 
intra-cohort variation in weaner behaviour.

References & Further Reading: 1. Hall et al. 2001. J. Anim. Ecol. 70: 
138-149.2. Pomeroy et al. 1994. J Zool Lond 233: 429-447. 3. Twiss et al. 2000. 
Anim Behav. 59: 327-338. 4. Twiss et al. 2001. Ecography, 24: 257-266. 5. 
Bennett et al. 2013.J. Exp. Biol. 216: 984-991. 6. Noren et al. 2008. Phys. & 
Biochem. Zool. 81: 269–277. 7. Twiss et al. 2012. PLoS ONE 7(11): e49598.  8. 
Russell et al.  2015. SCOS Briefing Paper SCOS BP-15/03. 9. Wyile 1988. PhD 
Thesis, Univ. Cambridge. 10. Pomeroy et al. 1999. J. Anim. Ecol. 68: 235–253. 
11. Bennett et al 2010 Physiol Biochem Zool 83: 911-923.

Training & Skills:  The student will gain extensive inter-disciplinary training 
in field behavioural observation, application of biotelemetry devices, 
organisation of fieldwork logistics and safety. The student will gain training 
in analytical techniques including behavioural analysis and integration of 
movement data within a GIS. Beyond these, the student will develop critical 
thinking, writing, and teamwork skills as part of dynamic, interdisciplinary, 
and supportive research groups. Through developing collaborations with 
co-supervisors, there may be further opportunity to develop  understanding of 
conservation and population management strategies of marine mammals through 
exposure to SMRU’s work.

Funding and how to apply

This project is in competition with others for funding. Potential funding is 
from the IAPETUS scheme, which is the North East of England’s and Scotland’s 
multidisciplinary Doctoral Training Partnership (DTP) for the environmental 
sciences, which is funded and accredited by NERC (The UK’s Natural Environment 
Research Council). Success will therefore depend on the quality of applications 
received, relative to those for competing projects.

Notes on candidate eligibility: For a student to be eligible to be considered 
and receive an IAPETUS studentship they must meet NERC’s student eligibility 
criteria, which are detailed at;

These criteria require all students to be UK or EU domiciled, and only allows 
for EU students to receive a full maintenance grant if they have been resident 
in the UK for the last 3 years prior to the commencement of their studentship.

Candidate requirements: Potential candidates are advised that to be considered 
for the IAPETUS studentship, the minimum requirements include an excellent 
undergraduate degree with either postgraduate or work experience in a relevant 
discipline. In addition evidence of existing, or pending, scientific 
publication(s) in peer reviewed journals is beneficial. Potential candidates 
should be able to demonstrate the ability to conduct prolonged and isolated 
fieldwork in harsh conditions, while remaining dedicated and enthusiastic. 
Ability to work independently and as part of a team is essential. In addition, 
candidates will require strong analytical skills, including experience of 
modern ecological and statistical modelling techniques. Experience with R and 
analysis of telemetry data is advantageous, but not essential. A UK driving 
licence (or equivalent) is also desirable, but not essential. Candidates must 
have fulfilled the University’s requirements regarding English language ability 
and must not require a pre-sessional course as a condition of their place.


The application deadline is 20th January 2017. Students are encouraged to 
contact Dr. Twiss (<>) in 
advance for consideration, with a CV and covering letter, detailing your 
reasons for applying for the project. Only the best applicants will be asked to 
submit a full application to the University.



Dr. Sean Twiss,
Senior Lecturer in Behavioural Ecology and Animal Behaviour,
Department of Biosciences,
South Road,
Durham University,
Durham, DH1 3LE,

Behaviour, Ecology and Evolution Research (BEER) Centre:<>

Tel: +44 (0)191 334 1350 (office)
Tel: +44 (0)191 334 1247 (lab)
Fax: +44 (0)191 334 1201
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