Dear all,

My co-authors and I are pleased to bring to your attention the following
publication :

Sara Labrousse, Jean-Baptiste Sallée, Alexander D. Fraser, Rob A. Massom,
Phillip Reid, William Hobbs, Christophe Guinet, Robert Harcourt, Clive
McMahon, Matthieu Authier, Frédéric Bailleul, Mark A. Hindell & Jean-Benoit
Charrassin. V*ariability in sea ice cover and climate elicit sex specific
responses in an Antarctic predator*. *Sci. Rep. 7*, 43236; *doi:
10.1038/srep43236* (2017).

Contrasting regional changes in Southern Ocean sea ice have occurred over
the last 30 years with distinct regional effects on ecosystem structure and
function. Quantifying how Antarctic predators respond to such changes
provides the context for predicting how climate variability/change will
affect these assemblages into the future. Over an 11-year time-series, we
examine how inter-annual variability in sea ice concentration and advance
affect the foraging behaviour of a top Antarctic predator, the southern
elephant seal. Females foraged longer in pack ice in years with greatest
sea ice concentration and earliest sea ice advance, while males foraged
longer in polynyas in years of lowest sea ice concentration. There was a
positive relationship between near-surface meridional wind anomalies and
female foraging effort, but not for males. This study reveals the
complexities of foraging responses to climate forcing by a poleward
migratory predator through varying sea ice property and dynamic anomalies.

A PDF may be obtained from

Best regards,

Sara Labrousse, Dr.
4 place Jussieu
Boite 100 - 45-55 4ème étage
75252 Paris cedex 05
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