Dolphin Communication Project (DCP) - Wild Dolphin Research Experience
2 - 7 July 2017 
Bimini, The Bahamas 

The Dolphin Communication Project (DCP, is 
currently seeking to fill four more spaces on our 5-day wild dolphin research 

DCP looks at how dolphins communicate and attempts to shed more light on the 
meaning of their interactions. With research ongoing since 1991, our questions 
focus primarily on communication and behavior among dolphins. Participants will 
spend their time at our Bimini, The Bahamas, research site, where we study wild 
Atlantic spotted and bottlenose dolphins. An abbreviated publication list is 
available at the end of this post. 

We still have several spaces available for our 2-7 July 2017 Bimini, The 
Bahamas research session. This program will have a more casual atmosphere than 
field courses or internships, however participants will have many opportunities 
to not only learn about DCP's research, but actually assist with data 
collection and preliminary analysis (mainly data entry and photo-ID).  

Where: Bimini, The Bahamas (accessible from Fort Lauderdale, Miami, West Palm 
Beach and Melbourne, FL)
Dates: 2 - 7 July 2017
Price: $1875 per person (payable online; $50 discount for payment by US check)
Included: 5 nights' hotel accommodation (dbl occ), 5 dolphin trips (4-5 hours 
each, weather dependent), meals (prepared by private cook, served "family 
style"), boat snacks, drinking water, snorkel gear (if needed), DCP talks, VAT
Not included: Airfare, gratuity ($100 recommended)
Deposits ($350) are due 19 May. 

Who can apply: Anyone with an interest in dolphin behavior and research. 
Previous experience snorkeling is encouraged, but not required. Anyone under 18 
must be accompanied by an adult. US citizens are required to travel to The 
Bahamas with a valid passport. Other nationals should check requirements.

For more information, email DCP Bimini Research Manager, Kel Sweeting at Learn more about DCP's research on wild Atlantic spotted and 
bottlenose dolphins off Bimini, The Bahamas at

Selected Refereed Publications: 
(for a full list of publications by DCP researchers, please visit:

Dudzinski, K.M., Clark, C.W., Würsig, B. 1995. A mobile video/acoustic system 
for simultaneously recording dolphin behavior and vocalizations underwater. 
Aquatic Mammals 21(3): 187-193. 

Dudzinski, K.M. 1998. Contact behavior and signal exchange among Atlantic 
spotted dolphins (Stenella frontalis). Aquatic Mammals 24(3): 129-142. 

Dudzinski, K.M., M. Sakai, M., Masaki, K., Kogi, K., Hishii, T., Kurimoto, M. 
2003. Behavioral observations of adult and sub-adult dolphins towards two dead 
bottlenose dolphins (one female and one male). Aquatic Mammals 29(1): 108-116. 

Gregg, J.D., Dudzinski, K.M., Smith, H.V. 2007. Do dolphins eavesdrop on the 
echolocation signals of conspecifics? International Journal of Comparative 
Psychology, 20: 65-88 

Dudzinski, K.M., Thomas, J. Gregg, J.D. 2008. Communication. In (W.F. Perrin, 
B. Würsig, H.C.M. Thewissen, eds) Encyclopedia of Marine Mammals, second 
edition. Academic Press, Inc. 

Melillo, K.E., Dudzinski, K.M., Cornick, L.A. 2009. Interactions between 
Atlantic spotted (Stenella frontalis) and bottlenose (Tursiops truncatus) 
dolphins off Bimini, The Bahamas, 2003-2007. Aquatic Mammals, 35:281-291 

Dudzinski, K.M., Gregg, J.D., Paulos, R.D., Kuczaj, S.A. 2010. A comparison of 
pectoral fin contact behaviour for three distinct dolphin populations. 
Behavioural Processes, 84: 559-567. 

Greene, W., Melillo-Sweeting, K., Dudzinski, K. 2011. Comparing object play in 
captive and wild dolphins. International Journal of Comparative Psychology 

Dudzinski, KM, Gregg, JD, Melillo-Sweeting, K, Levengood, A, Seay, B., Kuczaj 
II, SA. 2012. Tactile contact exchanges between dolphins: self-rubbing versus 
inter-individual contact in three species from three geographies. International 
Journal of Comparative Psychology 25:21-43. 

Dudzinski, KM, Danaher-Garcia, N, Gregg, JD. 2013. Pectoral fin contact between 
dolphin dyads at Zoo Duisburg, with comparison to other dolphin study 
populations. Aquatic Mammals. 39(4): 335-343. 

Melillo-Sweeting, K, Turnbull, S and Guttridge, T. 2014. Evidence of shark 
attacks on Atlantic spotted (Stenella frontalis) and bottlenose dolphins 
(Tursiops truncatus) off Bimini, The Bahamas. Marine Mammal Science. DOI: 

Melillo-Sweeting, K., Yeater, D., Dudzinski, KM. 2015. Dolphin sightings near 
the coast of Bimini, The Bahamas, 2003 – 2013. Aquatic Mammals 41.3: 245-251. 
DOI: 10.1578/AM.41.3.2015.245. 

Kaplan, J. D., Melillo-Sweeting, K., Reiss, D. 2017. Biphonal calls in Atlantic 
spotted dolphins (Stenella frontalis): bitonal and burst-pulse whistles, 
Bioacoustics, DOI: 10.1080/09524622.2017.1300105

Kelly Melillo Sweeting
Research Associate & Bimini Research Manager
Dolphin Communication Project

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