For SMM participants working with PhotoID, genetic samples, sightings data, 
and/or tag data:

No researcher can cover the range over which whales operate, we need the tools 
to work on oceanic and global scales to conserve marine species over 
biologically relevant scales. Flukebook ( is the first 
web platform that engages both the research and citizen science aspects of 
cetacean conservation. Flukebook is groundbreaking because it connects 
everyone, including the animals, in the same social network for the first time. 
It builds living stories, about animals and the people who want to interact 
with them, but it also grows useful data streams and provides powerful tools to 
the researchers who study them. The Flukebook platform is first and foremost 
for professional researchers. It provides researchers with the advanced tools 
needed for scientific analysis and enables transboundary and 
multi-institutional collaboration without sacrificing interactivity or 
approachability for citizen scientists wanting to engage with the species and 
its conservation. In Flukebook, researchers have access to data management 
tools, A.I.-trained photo-matching computer vision algorithms, a global catalog 
of individuals, and easy connectivity to common analytical software for 
mark-recapture, genetic, and socio-ecological studies (MARK, WinBugs, Socprog, 
GeneAIEx, ARC, GoogleMaps, Genepop among others). At the research level, 
secured data sharing is accomplished on a peer-approval basis which allows 
users to access tools without the requirement of sharing data; but promotes a 
growing inclusiveness and respect for data rights. For citizen scientists, 
Flukebook enables participants to receive automatic and comprehensive profile 
updates on individuals they have sighted, transforming "data" into learning and 
encouraging repeat participation and engagement in conservation initiatives in 
those regions.

The half-day workshop to be hosted from 8:00am to 12:00pm on October 28th will 
enable participants to learn more about this growing collaborative community, 
the functionality of the research tools, how to upload and export their data, 
examine and test the automated matching algorithms, learn more about how data 
is secured and shared online, and the future developments of the platform.

What we are hoping to do is build a community of researchers, commercial 
naturalists, and public enthusiasts who are committed to these species and 
collaborating for marine conservation. We are looking for people like you to 
help us shape the future of Flukebook and develop the platform further into a 
tool that is practical, accessible, and useful for all levels.

We hope to see you there!

Jason Holmberg
Digital Architect and Director at WildMe  (

Shane Gero
Flukebook user and Co-Founder

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