Dear colleagues,
My co-authors and I are pleased to announce the publication of a new article:
Marine debris in harbour porpoises and seals from German waters
Bianca Unger, Helena Herr, Harald Benke, Michel Böhmert, Patricia 
Burkhardt-Holm, Michael Dähne, Miriam Hillmann, Kornelia Wolff-Schmidt, Peter 
Wohlsein, Ursula Siebert
Records of marine debris in and attached to stranded harbour porpoises 
(Phocoena phocoena), harbour seals (Phoca vitulina) and grey seals (Halichoerus 
grypus) were studied comprising information on 6587 carcasses collected along 
the German coast between 1990 and 2014, the decomposition state allowed for 
necropsy in 1622 cases.
Marine debris items were recorded in 31 carcasses including 14 entanglements (5 
harbour porpoises, 6 harbour seals, 3 grey seals) and 17 cases of ingestion (4 
harbour porpoises, 10 harbour seals, 3 grey seals). Objects comprised general 
debris (35.1%) and fishing related debris (64.9%). Injuries associated with 
marine debris included lesions, suppurative ulcerative dermatitis, perforation 
of the digestive tract, abscessation, suppurative peritonitis and septicaemia.
This study is the first investigation of marine debris findings in all three 
marine mammal species from German waters. It demonstrates the health impacts 
marine debris can have, including severe suffering and death. The results 
provide needed information on debris burdens in the North and Baltic Seas for 
implementing management directives, such as the Marine Strategy Framework 
Directive (MSFD).
The full article is available online at

or email me directly for a PDF copy<>
Dipl.-Biologin Bianca Unger

Institute for Terrestrial and Aquatic Wildlife Research (ITAW) University of 
Veterinary Medicine Hannover, Foundation Werftstr. 6 / 25761 Büsum / Germany

Tel    +49 511 856 8176
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