Dear Marine Mammal Observers & Passive Acoustic Monitoring Operators,

The Marine Mammal Observer Association (MMOA) is a membership based
association with the aim of bringing together and representing individuals
who work commercially and professionally as Marine Mammal Observers (MMOs),
Protected Species Observers (PSOs) and Passive Acoustic Monitoring (PAM)
Operators who implement mitigation measures to protect marine life during
industry operations.

The MMOA also provides a platform for professional conversation and
education. Research has shown that there are many valid reasons to be a
part of a professional organisation, these include:

   - Demonstrating that you have the experience, qualifications and skills
   in your field[1] <>
   - Enhancing individual credibility and dedication
   to continuous professional development[1]
   - Providing networking opportunities[1]
   - Providing access to career development opportunities[1]
   - Setting a code of conduct and demonstrating individual levels of
   commitment to maintaining these standards[2]
   - They also foster the development of professional attitudes,
   which include[3] <>:
   - The professional role we carry out to ensure the protection of
   endangered/ at risk species
   - Dedication to the field through acquisition of current knowledge
   - Using the professional organization as a major reference for
   professional standards
   - Self-regulation (through following the code of conduct set by the

The MMOA strives to stay up to date with the latest research in the field
and offer a unified position on mitigation measures. We then represent
these views in feedback to regulatory authorities, academics and industry.
This is designed to improve the communication between these bodies and to
improve the standards of marine mammal mitigation. Most recently, we
responded to the JNCC’s call for comments on their suggested updates.

We provide a platform for experienced MMOs and PAMs to exchange
information, ask questions and discuss relevant issues through
the member forum and our information directory. We also encourage newcomers
to the field to use the members' information directory to educate
themselves on their new role and reach out for support from senior members
when necessary.

Whether the industry is in a downturn or upturn, you can maintain your
connection to the field and your passion for the role you play in
mitigation measures by joining our association.

Please take a moment to review our website and see how we can provide a
service to you and your colleagues by joining.

We have an election for our committee once a year and if you are interested
in more than just membership, we encourage you to follow-up membership with
a more involved role by running for a committee position, which is also a
great way to demonstrate your CPD.


The Marine Mammal Observer Association Executive Committee


[1] <>

[2] <>

[3] <> Yeager, S. J. 1981. *Fostering
the development of professionalism: An exchange theory perspective of the
decision to join a professional association*. Southern Review of Public
Administration (5) 3:314-338


The Marine Mammal Observer Association (MMOA)
Communications House
26 York Street

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