Some space still available
Date Saturday October 28-All day
SMM Master Workshop: Experimental Science in wild and captive animals

Format: We will have nine 30-minute presentations (25 min lecture and 5 min 
questions), each from world renowned senior marine mammal scientists with 
experience conducting experiments on wild as well as managed care animals. We 
have planned two panel discussions each of one hour to discuss past, current 
and future opportunities for marine mammal research and how to find ways to 
connect work on animals under managed care with those in the wild

8:00-8:10, Intro: Jason Bruck, 10 min overview
A) Experimental Animal Welfare Science (What is it and what is it not)

1) 8:15-8:45 Xavi Manteca: Welfare of marine mammals: what is it and how can be 

2) 8:45-9:15 Kathleen Dudzinski: Understanding tactile dyadic exchange in both 
wild and captive dolphins – how they are similar and what we can learn to 
elevate animal welfare in both settings

3) 9:15-9:45 Michael Moore: Experiments that enable conservation and welfare of 
Anthropocene cetaceans

9:45-10:00 Questions

10:00-10:30 Break

B) Studies on managed care animals to help conservation efforts

4) 10:30-11:00 Vincent Janik: How does zoo research support conservation 
efforts in the wild?

5) 11:00-11:30 Terrie Williams: Creating a Conservation Toolbox for Winning the 
Race Against Marine Mammal Extinctions

11:30-12:30 Panel Discussion

12:30-13:30 Lunch

C) What can we learn from marine mammals in multiple settings

6) 13:30-14:00 Sam Ridgway: The Navy's fastest divers and what they can teach us

7) 14:00-14:30 Peter Tyack: Synergy between studies of vocal learning in wild 
and managed populations of marine mammals

14:30-14:45 Questions

14:45-15:00 Break

8) 15:00-15:30 Paul Ponganis: Medical technology to study marine mammal diving 

9) 15:30-16:00 Gerry Kooyman: Tales from the past about “bends”, lung function 
and HPNS

16:00-17:00 Panel discussion

Talk Abstracts:
-Xavi Manteca
Title: Welfare of marine mammals: what is it and how can be assessed?
Synopsis: The objectives of this presentation would be (1) to define the 
concept of animal welfare, (2) to discuss how welfare of marine mammals can be 
assessed using science-based indicators, (3) to discuss how poor / good animal 
welfare can affect the quality of research conducted on marine mammals, and (4) 
to discuss how studies on managed animals can help inform us about welfare in 
free-ranging populations.

-Kathleen Dudzinksi
Title: Understanding tactile dyadic exchange in both wild and captive dolphins 
– how they are similar and what we can learn to elevate animal welfare in both 
Synopsis: To gain insight into the behavioral exchanges and relationships in 
dolphin dyads requires long-term observations over years to begin to decipher 
patterns in interaction and social behavior. With more than two decades of 
observations on several study populations of both wild and captive dolphins, we 
have the data to tease out individual differences in behavioral patterns. 
Comparison with other social animals allows science to put dolphin signal 
exchange (e.g., tactile contact) along the continuum of our understanding of 
how individual relationships are formed and maintained to yield a cohesive, 
complex society in these non-human animals. Armed with this insight, we can 
better manage human behavior around wild animals and also elevate our care and 
welfare standards for captive individuals.

-Michael Moore
Title: Experiments that enable conservation and welfare of Anthropocene 
Synopsis: Few cetaceans escape the heavy hand of man in today’s world. We need 
all possible perspectives to better understand human degradations on cetaceans. 
Industrial impacts include vessel collision, fishing gear entanglement and 
acoustic stressors. Experiments with cadavers, animals in managed care and 
swimming at sea have all yielded important perspectives on the costs of human 
activities to cetacean health. This talk will review data from: cadavers that 
have informed diving physiology, and vessel, implantable tag and entanglement 
trauma, managed care on tag drag, and free ranging animals on entanglement drag.

-Sam Ridgway/Cynthia Smith:
Title: The Navy's fastest divers and what they can teach us.
Synopsis: Norris award winner Sam Ridgeway and Cynthia Smith will highlight the 
research achievements of the storied U.S. Navy marine mammal program and what 
we have learned from animals under human care.

-Vincent Janik
Title: How does zoo research support conservation efforts in the wild?
Synopsis: Zoos play an important role in research to assess the impact of 
environmental and anthropogenic stressors on populations, since experimental 
approaches are often more powerful than observational studies in the wild. For 
example, studies on temporary hearing threshold shifts are only possible when 
animal hearing can be measured repeatedly before and after noise exposure. 
Furthermore, baseline hearing thresholds of marine mammals are needed as key 
information to assess the effects of noise on different species. Almost all 
published hearing curves of marine mammals come from studies in captive 
facilities. To assess the effects of noise on hearing curves in wild harbour 
seals, we recently used auditory evoked potential methods to compare hearing in 
wild seals with a noise exposure history to those of seals in zoos that were 
not exposed to noise. Zoos also provide important opportunities to develop and 
test new methods to study marine mammals in the wild. Studies at Zoo Duisburg 
allowed us to test the passive acoustic localization abilities of DTAGs on 
their bottlenose dolphins before we used them on wild animals to monitor 
acoustic activity over time. This provided cue rates that are key for assessing 
animal abundance from acoustic monitoring equipment in the wild. Similarly, 
work on bottlenose dolphins in zoos allowed us to develop a novel method to 
recognise signature whistles. This identification method allows us now to 
explore mark-recapture studies on wild populations where visual surveys are not 
possible or too cost intensive. Our work on the startle reflex in marine 
mammals has also used animals in human care to establish startle thresholds in 
seals and delphinids. Together with hearing thresholds, startle thresholds 
determine how animals react to impulse sound as is common in sonar use and 
during pile driving. These examples highlight the role of zoos in conservation 
efforts and highlight the importance of experimental work to implement 
successful conservation measures in the wild.

-Peter Tyack
Title: Synergy between studies of vocal learning in wild and managed 
populations of marine mammals.
Synopsis: Some of the first evidence for vocal learning in marine mammals came 
from Payne, Tyack and Payne (1983), who showed that humpback whales within a 
population sing very similar songs at any one time, but that the song changes 
progressively from month to month and year to year. This pattern of change was 
hard to explain by any mechanism other than whales copying one another, 
including copying changes to the song, but this evidence from wild animals was 
less direct than the classical test where an animal learns a new 
human-generated signal that was not part of its pre-exposure repertoire. The 
first direct evidence that marine mammals can modify their vocalizations based 
upon auditory input came from animals that were taken care of by humans. Ralls 
et al. (1985) reported that a harbor seal raised by humans imitated phrases 
from human speech. Richards et al. (1984) studied dolphins in a research lab 
and showed that they could imitate computer-generated whistle sounds and could 
use these learned vocalizations to label arbitrary objects such as balls, 
pipes, and Frisbees. Soon after this demonstration of mimicry of artificial 
signals, Tyack (1986) demonstrated that a pair of dolphins that shared a pool 
could imitate one another’s individually distinctive signature whistles. 
Signature whistles were initially described for dolphins maintained in pools 
where one could identify each individual’s vocalization. Working with wild 
dolphins temporarily restrained in a net corral, Sayigh et al. (1990) were able 
to demonstrate that wild dolphins also have signature whistles that are stable 
for decades. Mother-offspring comparisons suggested that whistles might be 
learned, but comparison of whistles of wild dolphins to those born in aquaria 
where they heard the trainer’s whistle was what demonstrated that young 
dolphins incorporate elements of sounds they hear into their signature whistles 
(Miksis et al. 2002). This history of research on vocal learning in marine 
mammals demonstrates the importance of controlled settings for some critical 
experiments and for the ability to discover new patterns. Once discovered in 
controlled settings, the patterns could be found in the wild, with comparisons 
between the two settings improving our understanding of vocal development and 
vocal learning.

-Terrie Williams
Title: Creating a Conservation Toolbox for Winning the Race Against Marine 
Mammal Extinctions
Summary: Today, scientists are in a desperate race against animal extinctions. 
More than half of the world’s most iconic wild mammals either extinct, going 
extinct or so poorly studied that the level of population risk cannot even be 
determined (<>). More than 73% 
of cetacean species fall into the latter category, with the real prospect of 
disappearing before we even know what we have lost.  Human-driven habitat 
destruction resulting from climate change, our development, pollution, and the 
degradation of critical resources is the reason behind these losses.  However, 
our limited understanding of both the environmental demands required for 
survival by most species of marine mammals, and of our impacts on those demands 
is hindering timely conservation efforts.  A new model for rapidly conducting 
conservation science is needed if we hope to preserve marine mammals. This will 
require the integration of science at all levels from model species in zoos and 
aquariums to work with wild counterparts, an approach that was effective during 
the rescue of sea otters following the Exxon Valdez oil spill and during 
assessments of anthropogenic noise on deep-diving whales.  In addition, a new 
level of informed public engagement and governments willing to uphold and 
protect its support for marine conservation innovation is needed.  For it is 
through these partnerships and the toolbox of methods that they create that the 
science of saving species will be most effective.

-Paul Ponganis:
Title: Medical technology to study marine mammal diving physiology
Summary: Application of advanced medical technology (i.e., functional magnetic 
resonance imaging (fMRI), positron emission tomography (PET), magnetic 
resonance spectroscopy (MRS), computerized tomography (CT)) for physiological 
and anatomical investigations of marine mammals are only feasible with captive 
or trained animals.  Similar arguments apply to the development and calibration 
of techniques for physiological investigations on animals at sea.  Examples 
include a) NMR spectroscopy to evaluate myoglobin desaturation during sleep 
apnea and the biophysics of myoglobin in intracellular oxygen transport, b) 
fMRI measurements of blood flow and cardiac function, c) PET investigations of 
brain blood flow and glucose uptake, d)3-dimensional anatomical reconstructions 
from CT scans, and e) development of arterial and venous catheterization 

-Gerry Kooyman
Title: Tales from the past about “bends”, lung function and HPNS
Summary: Forty-five years ago the first measurements of blood nitrogen from 
wild northern elephant seals at Guadalupe Island were reported. Then there was 
a gap of nearly 20 years before any new physiological information trickled in 
about life at extreme high pressure for marine mammals. Revision of anatomical 
models evolved because of pulmonary function tests obtained from trained 
animals, which offer alternative explanations of lung structure. The 
advancement of behavioral ecology studies show a need for and lack of 
hypotheses regarding high pressure nervous syndrome. Life under extreme 
pressure remains a mystery

Look forward to seeing you in Halifax!

Jason N. Bruck, Ph. D.
Teaching Assistant Professor
Curatorial Associate: Collection of Vertebrates
Oklahoma State University
Department of Integrative Biology
Ph: +1 (405) 744 5882
Office: 501 Life Sciences West,
Stillwater OK, 74074. Room 514D

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