Dear MARMAMers,

My co-authors and I are pleased to pass on the details of our recent 
publication: Allen SJ, King SL, Krützen M & Brown AM 2017. Multi-modal sexual 
displays in Australian humpback dolphins. Scientific Reports 7: 13644. 

The article can be accessed freely here:

The abstract reads as follows:

Sexual displays enriched by object carrying serve to increase individual male 
fitness, yet are uncommon phenomena in the animal kingdom. While they have been 
documented in a variety of taxa, primarily birds, they are rare outside 
non-human mammals. Here, we document marine sponge presenting

associated with visual and acoustic posturing found in several, geographically 
widespread populations of Australian humpback dolphins (Sousa sahulensis) over 
ten years of observation. Only adult males presented marine sponges, typically 
doing so in the presence of sexually mature females, although social groups 
predominantly consisted of mixed age and sex classes. Male humpback dolphins 
appear to be using sponges for signalling purposes in multi-modal sexual 
displays. Further, based on limited behavioural and genetic data, we 
hypothesise that pairs of adult male Sousa form at least temporary coalitions 
or alliances. The use of objects in sexual displays by non-human mammals is 
rare and, moreover, cooperation between males in the pursuit of an indivisible 
resource is an evolutionary hurdle relatively few species have overcome. These 
findings suggest a hitherto unrecognised level of social complexity in humpback 

There was some nice coverage in Nat Geo too, FYI:

Drop me a line if you have any trouble accessing the paper and, for those who 
attended SMM2017, safe travels home.

Best regards, Simon

Simon Allen, PhD
School of Biological Sciences | Oceans Institute
University of Western Australia
Crawley WA 6009

Mob: (61-0) 416 083 653


Recent papers:
Abundance and fidelity of dolphins to an offshore trawl fishery (2017):<>
Alliance behaviour and mating access in an open social network of bottlenose 
dolphins (2017):
Bycatch and population structure of bottlenose dolphins (2016):
Demographics of the North West Cape humpback dolphin population (2017):
Shark bites on inshore dolphins in the tropical Kimberley region (2017):

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