My co-authors and I are pleased to announce the publication of our study on the 
ontogeny of foraging skills in grey seal (Halichoerus grypus) pups:

"Intrinsic and extrinsic factors drive ontogeny of early-life at-sea behaviour 
in a marine top predator"
Carter, MID; Russell, DJF; Embling, CB; Blight, CJ; Thompson, D; Hosegood, PJ; 
Bennett, KA. Scientific Reports 7:15505.
DOI: 10.1038/s41598-017-15859-8

The article is fully open-access and can be downloaded at the following link:<>

ABSTRACT: Young animals must learn to forage effectively to survive the 
transition from parental provisioning to independent feeding. Rapid development 
of successful foraging strategies is particularly important for capital 
breeders that do not receive parental guidance after weaning. The intrinsic and 
extrinsic drivers of variation in ontogeny of foraging are poorly understood 
for many species. Grey seals (Halichoerus grypus) are typical capital breeders; 
pups are abandoned on the natal site after a brief suckling phase, and must 
develop foraging skills without external input. We collected location and dive 
data from recently-weaned grey seal pups from two regions of the United Kingdom 
(the North Sea and the Celtic and Irish Seas) using animal-borne telemetry 
devices during their first months of independence at sea. Dive duration, depth, 
bottom time, and benthic diving increased over the first 40 days. The shape and 
magnitude of changes differed between regions. Females consistently had longer 
bottom times, and in the Celtic and Irish Seas they used shallower water than 
males. Regional sex differences suggest that extrinsic factors, such as water 
depth, contribute to behavioural sexual segregation. We recommend that 
conservation strategies consider movements of young naïve animals in addition 
to those of adults to account for developmental behavioural changes.

Follow the project on Researchgate:

Matt Carter
PhD Student
Marine Biology and Ecology Research Centre
School of Biological and Marine Sciences
Plymouth University

Twitter: @MattIDCarter<> 


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