Dear colleagues,

I am looking for some advice on succesful rescue dealings with stranded
whales. A team of marine mammal researchers and conservationists are trying
to update an existing national protocol for marine mammals strandings in
Indonesia. Earlier we developed a protocol that provided guidelines  to
rescue smaller cetaceans whereas the last few years several cases of larger
whale strandings occurred and ad-hoc methods were applied. The last case
being the stranding of ten sperm whales earlier this month where 6 were
released in deeper sea and four died. These whales were towed with rope
attached to their flukes. Although these whales have not restranded we are
concerned whether this is the correct way and may not have inflicted
serious injuries to their flukes and perhaps result in less succesful
dives. After this event our team was asked to prepare a stranding protocol
for larger whales that are stranded alive and we would like to use best
practices. Therefore we would very much welcome any proven best practices
that we could adopt.  Thank you very much,
Kind regards,

Danielle Kreb (Ph.D.)
Scientific Program Advisor
Yayasan Konservasi RASI
Rare Aquatic Species of Indonesia
Komplek Pandan Harum Indah
(Erlyza) Blok C, No. 52
Samarinda 75124
Kalimantan Timur, Indonesia
Tel/ fax: + 62.541.744874
Mobile: 081346489515
Facebook group/page: Rare Aquatic Species of Indonesia

Member of IUCN/SSC Cetacean Specialist Group

*“To the dolphin alone, nature has given that which the best*
*philosophers seek: friendship for no advantage. Though it has no*
*need of help from any man, it is a genial friend to all and has helped
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