Dear MARMAM Community,

We are pleased to announce our new publication on bottlenose dolphin white
matter anatomy and asymmetry in *Brain Structure and Function*:

*Wright, A.K., Theilmann, R.J., Ridgway, S.H., Scadeng, M. Diffusion
tractography reveals pervasive asymmetry of cerebral white matter tracts in
the bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus).* Brain Struct Funct (2017).

*Abstract: *Brain enlargement is associated with concomitant growth of
interneuronal distance, increased conduction time, and reduced neuronal
interconnectivity. Recognition of these functional constraints led to the
hypothesis that large-brained mammals should exhibit greater structural and
functional brain lateralization. As a taxon with the largest brains in the
animal kingdom, Cetacea provides a unique opportunity to examine
asymmetries of brain structure and function. In the present study,
diffusion tensor imaging and tractography were used to investigate cerebral
white matter asymmetry in the bottlenose dolphin (*Tursiops truncatus*).
Widespread white matter asymmetries were observed with the preponderance of
tracts exhibiting leftward structural asymmetries. Leftward lateralization
may reflect differential processing and execution of behaviorally variant
sensory and motor functions by the cerebral hemispheres. The arcuate
fasciculus, an association tract linked to human language evolution, was
isolated and exhibited rightward asymmetry suggesting a right hemisphere
bias for conspecific communication unlike that of most mammals. This study
represents the first examination of cetacean white matter asymmetry and
constitutes an important step toward understanding potential drivers of
structural asymmetry and its role in underpinning functional and behavioral
lateralization in cetaceans.

This publication is *open access* and available at the following links: *or*

Kind regards,

*Alexandra Wright*, PhD
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