Marine Mammals Research Association ( is offering you the 
unique opportunity to join its Marine Wildlife Research Expedition within the 
north Levantine Sea. The expedition aims to explore areas where there is little 
known with heavy human foot prints from to the coast to its deep waters. Due to 
a lack of scientific research, there are little to no conservation measures in 
action to protect Mediterranean waters and their inhabitants. All of the target 
species are categorized by the IUCN Red List as Threatened or Data Deficient. 
It is therefore vital to research and monitor these populations in order to 
work towards necessary conservation measures.

Species to Encounter

On this trip we are likely to encounter a variety of marine mammals, including 
the common bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus), striped dolphin (Stenella 
coeruleoalba), short-beaked common dolphin (Delphinus delphis), Risso’s dolphin 
(Grampus griseus), sperm whale (Physeter microcephalus), Cuvier’s beaked whale 
(Ziphius cavirostris) and fin whale (Balaenoptera physalus), in addition to the 
Mediterranean’s only pinniped species, the endangered Mediterranean monk seal 
(Monachus monachus). Moreover, as our study areas are largely unexplored, there 
is the potential to discover other cetacean species which are rarely found in 
the Mediterranean basin such as Humpback Whales (Megaptera novaeangliae)!

The Skills You Will Learn;

·         Conducting visual and acoustic surveys

·       Collecting behavioural data for sighted species

·       Carrying out the first live genetic sampling of beaked whales in the 
Eastern Mediterranean waters.

·         Mapping the hotspots of marine mammals

·         Developing the first photo Identification catalogues of the sperm 
whales and beaked whales in the Eastern Mediterranean

One of the objectives of our expedition is to help create and inspire 
independent researchers, equipped with experience in up-to-date research 

The Training You Will Receive;

There will be a day of training before the survey route starts. Additionally, 
each night we will organise a training on the below topics;

·         General biology and ecology of marine megafauna of the Mediterranean 

·         Species identification

·         Photo identification techniques

·         Mapping techniques

·         Behavioural sampling

Additionally, we will be equipped with  a hydrophone (underwater microphone) 
and a genetic sampling dart gun. We will use this equipment when possible 
during our cetacean sightings, and you will have the opportunity to learn more 
about them and hopefully a chance to use them yourself!

The Expedition Calendar

This scientific expedition is a part of a year round study and will be 
conducted on the last two weeks of March 2018.  

Note: The exact routes can be subject to change to take into account weather 
and other safety factors.

As such, flights should not be booked until these dates have been confirmed, 
unless they are fully flexible tickets.

The cost

As we are a non-profit organisation with limited financial resources, there is 
a monitory fee attached to this journey. The cost of the expedition is EUR 900 
per person.

This cost includes:

·         Full survey and equipment training

·         Use of research equipment

·         All food and accommodation on board for the duration of your stay

·         All safety equipment

·         All cruising and sailing vignettes (cruising permits) for Turkey and 

·         Insurance including public liability coverage

What is not included?

·         Flights to and from start and end location

·         Travel insurance (Mandatory, please provide proof)

·         Food off board

·         Accommodations onshore

What you should bring:

·         Passport with any necessary visas for the countries you will be 

·         Sleeping bag

·         Towel

·         Binoculars

·         Seasonal appropriate clothing, including waterproofs

·         SOFT BAG as luggage, hard cases are not permitted on board

·         Camera

·         Sailing shoes are preferable.

·         Sea sickness medication

Who are we looking for?

We are looking for enthusiastic and passionate 2 team members with the 
willingness to learn, as well as motivated students and researchers who wish to 
collect data for their university projects.

To apply send us your CV and cover letter to: or before January 30th 2018.


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