Dear Colleagues,

We would like to invite you to participate in a workshop on ‘Marine Renewable 
Energy - Current research and evidence gaps on impact on Marine Mammals’ to be 
held on Friday 6th April 2018 ahead of the European Cetacean Society Conference 
in La Spezia, Italy.
The workshop will start at 9am and finish by 5pm. There is a participation fee 
of €25, to be paid on the day.

The workshop is being organised by members of the UK statutory nature 
conservation bodies (Natural England, Scottish Natural Heritage, Natural 
Resources Wales and the Joint Nature Conservation Committee) who act as 
advisors to the UK government.

The aim of the workshop is to share knowledge on current and developing 
research and evidence gaps on the impacts of marine renewable energy 
development on marine mammals across Europe.

The impacts of marine renewable energy (MRE) developments such as offshore wind 
and tidal energy are potentially of conservation concern for marine mammal 
populations. Research on impacts, monitoring and mitigation is being undertaken 
across various EU countries, but often information on current work is not 
easily shared and risks duplication of effort.

This workshop seeks to gather together researchers, regulators, developers and 
nature conservation agencies from around Europe to discuss the research work 
that is ongoing and planned in each country. This will include long-term 
strategic programmes of work, sectoral studies and renewable development site 
specific research. The workshop agenda will include case studies on current and 
developing research, an item exploring how countries are aligning their 
strategic and industry funded research and monitoring, whether more cross 
sectoral projects would be useful and a discussion on current evidence gaps.

These discussions will allow the workshop participants to share their current 
and planned work, explore whether work is being duplicated and identify 
potential cross-border and cross sector collaborations that could take place to 
gain as much data and knowledge as possible from the work being undertaken. The 
workshop will identify a list of current research and evidence gaps to be 
shared publicly via workshop proceedings, which will then be a useful resource 
to help identify where to target future work.

It will also be a useful forum for the sharing of ideas and building a network 
of regulators, conservation advisors and researchers working on similar issues 
across the MRE sector.

Please contact Rebecca Walker:<>
 to register your place at this workshop.

We look forward to seeing you in La Spezia!

Rebecca Walker (on behalf of the organising committee)
Natural England

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