My co-authors and I are pleased to announce our recent publication:

Erdsack N, McCully Phillips SR, Rommel SA, Pabst DA, McLellan WA, Reynolds JE, III (2018) Heat flux in manatees: an individual matter and a novel approach to assess and monitor the thermal state of Florida manatees (/Trichechus manatus latirostris/). Journal of Comparative Physiology B (online first). doi:10.1007/s00360-018-1152-7

Florida manatees (/Trichechus manatus latirostris/) possess an unusual suite of adaptations to accommodate both a fully aquatic lifestyle and an herbivorous diet, including a low metabolic rate and a very limited thermoneutral zone. Their relatively high lower critical temperature of around 20 °C suggests strong sensitivity to cold, thereby limiting their distribution to tropical and subtropical waters. “Cold stress syndrome” affects and kills Florida manatees every year during intense or prolonged cold weather, posing one of the major threats to manatees. However, knowledge regarding manatee thermoregulation is sparse, but essential for effective conservation and management of this threatened species. We measured heat flux in two captive Florida manatees at multiple times of the year, at 41 sites distributed across the entire body surface of each manatee. Heat flux differed significantly between individuals, and among body sites and times of the year. The pectoral flippers and axillae were identified as areas with highest heat exchange. Despite exposure to constant water temperature throughout the year, the manatees in this study had significantly lower heat flux in winter than in summer. We used the measured heat flux values to calculate total heat dissipation in individual manatees. The values estimated this way correspond well with the low metabolic rates estimated in previous studies, confirming the reliability of our novel approach. Our method provides simple and useful options for enhancing manatee welfare by monitoring the animals’ thermal state during potentially stressful activities such as during medical treatment, capture restraints and transportation.

The article is available online at

Best regards,

Nicola Erdsack

Nicola Erdsack, Ph.D.
Postdoc Manatee Research
Mote Marine Laboratory
1600 Ken Thompson Pkwy
Sarasota, FL 34236
phone +1-941-388-4441, ext. 248
cell +1-941-284-0708

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