Dear Colleagues,


On behalf of my co-author, I'm pleased to announce a publication:


Lodi, L.; Tardin, R. 2018. Citizen science contributes to the understanding
of the occurrence and distribution of cetaceans in southeastern Brazil - A
case study. 

Ocean and Coastal Management. 158 : 45-55. 




Citizen Science projects involve ordinary people in scientific research,
providing new insights and perspectives. Interested members of the public
may contribute valuable information as they learn about wildlife in their
local communities. This study investigates the spatiotemporal occurrence and
distribution of cetaceans off the coast of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, based on
data obtained by citizen scientists (opportunistic observations - 2013/2016)
and by cetacean researchers (dedicated observations - 2011/2016). The
citizen scientists recorded 178 sightings of eight cetacean species along
the whole Rio de Janeiro coast. Boat surveys (N= 118) were conducted by the
authors in two Marine Protected Areas (MPA) and adjacent waters, resulting
in a total of 77 records of four cetaceans species. Within the same area
surveyed, citizen scientists contributed 98 reports of these four species.
There was a high degree of information overlap, although the citizen
scientists also expanded the database on the occurrence and distribution of
cetaceans. The citizen scientists also confirmed the occurrence in the study
area of four additional cetacean species, not recorded during the surveys.
Opportunistic observations obtained from citizen scientists are thus a
fundamentally important complementary tool for this type of investigation.
The distribution records of the two datasets were also broadly compatible,
in particular for the inshore sightings and the seasonal distribution of
three of the four principal species. Overall, then, the data provided by
from citizen scientists off the coast of Rio de Janeiro were validated by
the boat surveys, which focused specifically on the area of the MPAs and
adjacencies. The information provided by the combined dataset provides
important insights for the creation of a buffer zone, which provide an
additional layer of protection for the region's marine biota.

Keywords: Marine mammals, public engagement, research, conservation


The publication can be downloaded from: 



Kind regards,


Projeto Baleias & Golfinhos do Rio de Janeiro/Brazil


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