TO: MARMAM subscribers

Via private E-mail, sent to the administrators of the MARMAM mailing-list, I 
received a report about serious concerns about the person's actual experiences 
with this opportunity, as posted to MARMAM on March 16, 2018, and included 

The person claims that all 3 scientists hired for the project quit, citing both 
onboard safety & health concerns, and an unacceptable personal environment. The 
project ended prematurely, due to a grounding of the boat.

A very-similar posting -- Summer Field Researcher/Field Research Assistant, 
West Coast of Canada, 2019

was posted to MARMAM on March 4, 2019, using a different GMAIL ID, with very 
similar information.

If anyone is considering a response to the newer posting, please contact me.

I will give your E-mail ID to the person who submitted the report, so that they 
can make contact with you.

zoogle zoogle zoogle2018 at 
Fri Mar 16 03:09:54 PDT 2018


*Interdisciplinary Research project offering field work opportunities in
Northern British Columbia*

Zoogle is an interdisciplinary research project merging bio-acoustics,
behavior research and machine learning/neural network/pattern recognition.

A range of machine-learning / pattern recognition tools are currently
adapted and will be refined iteratively during the project time, while
acoustic data and associated behavioral observations are additionally
collected from a sailboat.

On short notice there is an availability for an additional researcher,
preferably with a background in bioacoustics, and behaviour research.
Experience in orca research is a plus, but not required.

The purpose of this positions is to collaborate in data collection and
preparing the material for later computer analyses, including but not
limited to photo IDs, behavior observations, processing video documentation
(generate "ground-truth" data for the ongoing data-analysis).  Prior field
experience with photo-ID and boat handling is preferred, but not required.
Since we will be living and working closely, applicants must work well in
teams and have a positive attitude, while living and working comfortably in
a sailing vessel with a small team.

We do encourage you to use the expedition and the resulting data for an
academic work including master/Ph.D work.

The project will provide a certain amount of subsidiary for a senior
researcher and a junior researcher respectively (detailed information is
available upon request).

The expedition is scheduled from May - September 2018. A minimum is a 6
week commitment, and preference will be given to those who are able to stay

The research vessel is equipped with an electric drive and hull mounted and
towed arrays for spatial recognition.

Everybody on board also assists with vessel operations, including
day-to-day activities such as taking turns in cooking, cleaning and vessel

This project follows the open science principles, open source, open data,
open access, and aims to make resulting tools available to the whole
research community.

If interested - please send your CV and a short motivation letter to
zoogle2018 at<> to 
exchange thoughts and questions.

Best, Zoogle team

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