Dear MARMAM community,

This is a reminder to register and submit your abstracts for the 23rd
Annual Meeting of the Northwest Student Chapter of the Society for Marine
Mammalogy (NWSSMM) at the University of Washington (UW) in Seattle on 18-19
May 2019! *The abstract submission deadline is April 19 at 11:59 PM PST.*

We encourage students (undergrad, grad, and post-docs) to submit an
abstract to present their research. Abstracts for research at all stages,
including proposed research and preliminary results, will be accepted.
Depending on the number of registrants, oral presentations may be reserved
for projects with results.

Registration cost is TBD (max of $15 USD) and will include breakfast,
snacks, and lunch. Registration for the meeting will be accepted up until
the day of the meeting (on-site registration available).

The purpose of the annual meeting is to cultivate community among students
studying marine mammals by creating a relaxed atmosphere to share research
ideas, tribulations, and triumphs. Though the meeting is geared towards
students, everyone and anyone interested in marine mammals are encouraged
to attend!

Saturday, May 18th, will involve a full day of oral and poster
presentations, followed by a group dinner at Big Time Brewery. On Sunday,
May 19th, we are offering an optional outing to the Seattle Aquarium
(behind the scenes!, max price of $10 for admission) and Pike Place Market
in downtown Seattle.

*Register and/or submit your abstract at: *

*Follow along on the Facebook event page: *

Hope to see you in Seattle!

The NWSSMM 23rd Annual Meeting Student Organizers
MARMAM mailing list

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