Dear colleagues,

On behalf of the animal pathology laboratory of the Institute of Animal Health 
and Food Safety of the Univeristy of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, we are please 
to announce the publication of the article “Fat embolism and sperm whale ship 
strikes”, in which the presence of lung fat emboli was proven a reliable 
diagnostic tool of ante-mortem ship-strikes. Unfortunately, the number of ship 
strikes in the Canaries have increased in the last months, coincidentally with 
an increase in the number of fast ferry routes. It is paramount to have an 
accurate diagnosis of these cases, so further action can be taken by the 
corresponding authorities.

The article is freely available from: 


Strikes between vessels and cetaceans have significantly increased worldwide in 
the last decades. The Canary Islands archipelago is a geographical area with an 
important overlap of high cetacean diversity and maritime traffic, including 
high-speed ferries. Sperm whales (Physeter macrocephalus), currently listed as 
a vulnerable species, are severely impacted by ship strikes. Nearly 60% of 
sperm whales’ deaths are due to ship strikes in the Canary Islands. In such 
cases, subcutaneous, muscular and visceral extensive hemorrhages and hematomas, 
indicate unequivocal antemortem trauma. However, when carcasses are highly 
autolysed, it is challenging to distinguish whether the trauma occurred ante- 
or postmortem. The presence of fat emboli within the lung microvasculature is 
used to determine a severe “in vivo” trauma in other species. We hypothesized 
fat emboli detection could be a feasible, reliable and accurate forensic tool 
to determine ante-mortem ship strikes in stranded sperm whales, even in 
decomposed carcasses. In this study, we evaluated the presence of fat emboli by 
using an osmium tetroxide (OsO4) based histochemical technique in lung tissue 
of 24 sperm whales, 16 of them with evidence of ship strike, stranded and 
necropsied in the Canaries between 2000 and 2017. About 70% of them presented 
an advanced autolysis. Histological examination revealed the presence of 
OsO4-positive fat emboli in 13 out of the 16 sperm whales with signs of ship 
strike, and two out of eight of the ‘control’ group, with varying degrees of 
abundance and distribution. A classification and regression tree was developed 
to assess the cut off of fat emboli area determining the high or low 
probability for diagnosing ship-strikes, with a sensitivity of 89% and a 
specifity of 100%. The results demonstrated: 1) the usefulness of fat detection 
as a diagnostic tool for “in vivo” trauma, even in decomposed tissues kept in 
formaldehyde for long periods of time; and 2) that, during this 18-year period, 
at least, 81% of the sperm whales with signs of ship strike were alive at the 
moment of the strike and died subsequently. This information is highly valuable 
in order to implement proper mitigation measures in this area.

Best regards,

Marina Arregui

Antonio Fernández

Marina Arregui Gil
PhD Student

Centro Atlántico de Investigación de Cetáceos,
Instituto Universitario de Sanidad Animal y Seguridad Alimentaria,
Facultad de Veterinaria. Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.

Campus Universitario Cardones de Arucas,
35413 Arucas, Gran Canaria


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