Dear colleagues,


On behalf of my co-authors, I am pleased to announce the release of a new 
report on extrapolation in density surface models of cetacean populations.


Bouchet PJ, Miller DL, Roberts JJ, Mannocci L, Harris CM and Thomas L (2019). 
From here and now to there and then: Practical recommendations for 
extrapolating cetacean density surface models to novel conditions. CREEM 
Technical Report 2019-01, 59p.


The report summarises current approaches to extrapolation detection and 
diagnosis, with an emphasis on spatial models of cetacean density/abundance 
such as those typically resulting from line transect surveys.

This work is an output from the Living Marine Resources (LMR)-funded DenMod 
project, and is a collaboration between the University of St Andrews, Duke 
University, and the University of Montpellier.


The report is freely available and can be accessed here:


In addition, relevant R code for extrapolation assessments can be downloaded 
from our Github site.


Note that this work will be presented at the upcoming World Marine Mammal 
Conference in Barcelona (Pre-conference workshop on advancing marine species 
density surface modelling: Saturday 7th 1:30 PM -5:30 PM; Main conference talk: 
Mon 9th 3:15 PM - 3:30 PM), and that a dedicated R package is currently being 
developed to capture the methods described in the report (and more). Future 
releases/updates will be announced on this list.


Best wishes,




Dr. Phil Bouchet

Postdoctoral Research Fellow


School of Mathematics and Statistics

Centre for Research into Ecological & Environmental Modelling (CREEM)

The Observatory, Buchanan Gardens

University of St Andrews, St Andrews Fife

KY16 9LZ, Scotland (UK)

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Twitter @pjbouchet  •  Web • ResearcherID K-5365-2012





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