The Joint Institute for Marine and Atmospheric Research (JIMAR) works with
the NOAA Fisheries Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center through a
cooperative agreement with the University of Hawaii to conduct research and
recovery activities on Hawaiian monk seals. JIMAR hires program staff
through the Research Corporation of the University of Hawaii (RCUH) and is
currently seeking applicants for *two separate recruitments *for the 2020
field research season:

*HMSRP Field Camp Research Technician-serves as field camp leader*

*HMSRP Field Camp Research Assistant*

Selected individuals will study the endangered Hawaiian monk seal in the
Northwestern Hawaiian Islands within the Papahānaumokuākea Marine National
Monument. This work is part of a long-term annual Hawaiian monk seal
population monitoring and conservation program by NOAA Fisheries and
includes: conducting trend counts, tagging seals, identifying individual
seals by tags, scars, natural markings, and applied bleach marks,
monitoring reproduction, survival, injuries, entanglements, migration,
vaccinating against morbillivirus, performing necropsies, collecting scat &
spew samples for food habitat, parasite load, and hormonal analysis,
collecting tissue samples for DNA analysis, and removing debris capable of
entangling seals and other wildlife.  Behavior data are also collected
at some sites. Researchers at some sites may participate in shark
mitigation activities.

General information about the program can be found at:

The number of positions and/or continuation of the program are subject to
funding.  These positions will be for all or a subset of the 6 major monk
seal sub-populations in the NWHI. Fieldwork is accomplished by 2-4 member
teams in remote camps.  Each team will include a paid leader and either
paid assistants and volunteers or up to two volunteers assisting a paid
leader. Volunteer positions will be recruited for in a separate
announcement. Researchers live in either wall tents or buildings at the
various sites.  All sites are accessible by ship (2-8 day travel; 830-2,300
km from Honolulu), and one is also accessible by plane.  Few (if any)
resupply opportunities exist and communication with others outside of field
sites is limited throughout deployment due to the remoteness and lack of

The employment period will include approximately one month of training and
packing in Honolulu. Once the field season is over, an additional ~1-2
weeks of employment will take place in Honolulu to clean up gear and
summarize data.  Dates are subject to change, but the positions are
tentatively scheduled to begin in late February/early March with a field
deployment date in early to mid-April. Field staff will be deployed for
approximately 4.5-5 months with a tentative return date in early September.
The position end date is tentatively scheduled for some time in
mid-September. Applicants must be flexible in their availability as dates
could change, including unforeseen delays due to inclement weather and ship

 Travel to and from Honolulu and food, lodging, and transportation in
Honolulu before deployment are not provided.  Transportation between
Honolulu and field sites and food and lodging in the field are
provided. Due to unforeseen circumstances, departure delays could result in
longer periods in Honolulu that may result in additional uncompensated
living expenses.

Applicants must be a U.S. Citizen or Permanent Resident Alien, and must be
able to meet both the U.S. Department of Commerce and National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) security requirements to access the work
location, and also the health requirements to board a NOAA vessel.

Instructions to apply for both positions are in the job postings below. *Please
clearly address all qualifications in your cover letter. If you do not
clearly address all qualifications in your cover letter, we may not be able
to consider you as an applicant. *For example, to address the experience
qualification, you must indicate in your cover letter how many years of
field experience you have and be sure that is reflected in your resume.

Interested individuals will need to apply directly to RCUH Human Resources
via one of the methods stated in the job posting. Applications for both
position must be submitted/received by the* closing date on 11/15/2019
(11:59 p.m. Hawaii Standard Time receipt time). * If you do not have access
to the RCUH system and the closing date is imminent, you may send
additional documents to If you have questions on
the application process and/or need assistance, please call (808)956-8344
or (808)956-0872.  Follow the link below to access both recruitments. If
applying for both positions, you must do so separately.

JIMAR/PIFSC HMSRP Field Camp Research Technician (leader) – search job ID #

JIMAR/PIFSC HMSRP Field Camp Research Assistant - search Job ID #19549

Lizabeth Kashinsky
JIMAR/Program Supervisor
Hawaiian Monk Seal Research Program
1845 WASP Blvd., Building 176
Honolulu, HI 96818
Ph: (808) 725-5719
Fax: (808) 725-5567
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