Survey: Guiana dolphin  pre-assesment – IWC.SC

In a coalition involving researchers, the Aquatic Mammals Center / ICMBIO
and the International Whale Commission (CIB) sub-committee of small
cetaceans, we are organizing an assessment of the current status of
knowledge on population, ecological and conservation parameters of *Sotalia
guianensis *and your contribution will be essential in order to get a first
view into the existing information and efforts.

We appreciate if you can contribute by answering the attached Google form
and even disclosing it to colleagues, students and other researchers who
work or have worked with the species.

This information will be compiled and presented for a first joint
evaluation to be held at a workshop in Brazil this year. As there is no
budget for invitation to all experts, this questionnaire was the tool found
for the greater and better knowledge to be included in this step. New steps
will come and we are committed to sharing the results with those involved
in this information gathering. The evaluation, both as a result of this
stage and the ones that will follow, will compose a report to be presented
to the CIB.

We thank you in advance for your contribution and are available to answer
any questions.

*Please, use this link to access google form:*

Contact: Camila Domit /

*PhD. (C) Yurasi Briceño*

*@proyectosotalia*Universidad del Zulia.
Centro de Ecología.
Instituto Venezolano de Investigaciones Científicas (IVIC),
Carretera Panamericana, km 11 Altos de Pipe, Apartado postal 20632,
Caracas1020-A, Estado Miranda - VENEZUELA

Tlf: (58)(212)5041905
Mobile: (58)(412)5553962
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