
My co-authors and I would like to bring to your attention a recent publication 
on vocalization characteristics and ambient noise in northern elephant seal 
breeding rookeries. The reference and abstract are given below and the paper is 
available on request or at:

Brandon Southall


Southall, B.L., Casey, C., Holt, M., Insley, S., and Reichmuth, C. (2019). 
High-amplitude vocalizations of male northern elephant seals and associated 
ambient noise on a breeding rookery. Journal of the Acoustical Society of 
America. 146, 4514-4524.

Northern elephant seals (Mirounga angustirostris ) are massive, land-breeding 
marine mammals that produce loud, stereotyped calls during annual breeding 
seasons. To determine vocalization source levels emitted by competing males on 
a mainland breeding rookery, aerial calls were measured on axis at 1m from 
adult males using three different sound pressure level metrics. Time-averaged 
(1 min) ambient noise was also measured under variable environmental and social 
conditions. Results indicate that male northern elephant seals emit high 
amplitude airborne calls with little variation in call amplitude. Mean source 
levels ranged from 98 to 114 dB re: 20 l Pa [root-mean-square (rms) -fast], 
102–116 dB re: 20 l Pa (rms-impulse), and 120–131 dB re: 20 l Pa (peak) and 
average standard deviations for all metrics were < 2.3 dB. Further, these seal 
rookeries exhibit high variability in ambient noise (in terms of both spectrum 
and amplitude) from biotic and environmental sources. Finally, males sampled 
did not adjust call amplitude to compensate for higher background noise levels 
and thus did not exhibit a Lombard effect. These findings reinforce the view 
that the remarkable vocalizations of male northern elephant seals serve as 
rigid and powerful signals that convey individual identity within noisy 
breeding colonies rather than as honest indicators of size, status, or 
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