Mark recapture distance sampling training workshop
Registration is now open for our latest online interactive training
workshop, on mark-recapture distance sampling. Join us by video from
anywhere around the world! For full details, and to register, please go to
Workshop Overview
Conventional distance sampling methods assume that all animals at zero
distance are detected with certainty. However, in some situations this
assumption is violated, and some animals are missed, causing a negative
bias in the density and abundance estimates. This occurs on some
shipboard surveys of marine mammals, for example, where animals may be
missed on the trackline because they are underwater while the survey
vessel passes, or because the sea conditions are rough so that even some
animals right on the line are missed. The former (being underwater and
so not available for detection) is often called availability bias and
the latter perception bias.
In this two-day workshop, we cover survey protocols and analytical
methods for dealing with both perception bias and availability bias.
The workshop is intended for those already familiar with the basics of
distance sampling.
Len Thomas and David Borchers
Centre for Research into Ecological and Environmental Modelling
University of St Andrews
24th and 25th August 2020
17:00-19:30 British Summer Time // 12:00-14:30 Eastern Daylight Time
(EDT) // 09:00-11:30 Pacific Daylight Time (PDT)
Enrolment limit
15 participants
Format and delivery method
The workshop will be a mix of live online interactive sessions,
delivered via videoconference software (Microsoft Teams), and computer
exercises. There will be two sessions in total, on successive days,
with a total class time of 4 hours (including breaks) and an additional
computer exercise to complete after the first day and before the second.
Exercises can be undertaken using Distance for Windows or R (via the
mrds package).
Len Thomas @len_thom
Centre for Research into Ecological and Environmental Modelling
and School of Mathematics and Statistics
The Observatory, University of St Andrews, Scotland KY16 9LZ
Office: UK+1334-461801 Admin: UK+1334-461842
The University of St Andrews is a charity
registered in Scotland, No SC013532.
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