My co-authors and I are pleased to announce our recent publication
available online!

Kowarski, K. A., Gaudet, B. J., Cole, A. J., Maxner, E. E., Turner, S. P.,
Martin, S. B., Johnson, H. D., & Moloney, J. E. (2020). Near real-time
marine mammal monitoring from gliders: Practical challenges, system
development, and management implications. The Journal of the Acoustical
Society of America, 148(3), 1215-1230.

In 2017, an endangered North Atlantic right whale mortality event in the
Gulf of St. Lawrence, Canada, triggered the implementation of dynamic
mitigation measures that required real-time information on whale
distribution. Underwater glider-based acoustic monitoring offers a possible
solution for collecting near real-time information but has many practical
challenges including self-noise, energy restrictions, and computing
capacity, as well as limited glider-to-shore data transfer bandwidth. This
paper describes the development of a near real-time baleen whale acoustic
monitoring glider system and its evaluation in the Gulf of St. Lawrence in
2018. Development focused on identifying and prioritizing important
acoustic events and on sending contextual information to shore for human
validation. The system performance was evaluated post-retrieval, then the
trial was simulated using optimized parameters. Trial simulation evaluation
revealed that the validated detections of right, fin, and blue whales
produced by the system were all correct; the proportion of species
occurrence missed varied depending on the timeframe considered.
Glider-based near real-time monitoring can be an effective and reliable
technique to inform dynamic mitigation strategies for species such as the
North Atlantic right whale.
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