Hi all,

Pleased to share a new publication out in Scientific Reports, on the movement 
ecology of male Antarctic fur seals along the Western Antarctic Peninsula, 
their interaction with the krill fishery and possible impacts on bioindicator 
species used by CCAMLR. The publication is open access and available here:


Male Antarctic fur seals: neglected food competitors of bioindicator species in 
the context of an increasing Antarctic krill fishery

A.D. Lowther, I. Staniland, C. Lydersen & K. M. Kovacs

The fishery for Antarctic krill is currently managed using a precautionary, 
ecosystem-based approach
to limiting catch, with performance indices from a long-term monitoring program 
focused on several
krill-dependent predators that are used to track ecosystem health. Concerns 
over increased fishing
in concentrated areas and ongoing efforts to establish a Marine Protected Area 
along the Peninsula,
a key fishing region, is driving the development of an adaptive management 
system for the fishery.
The cumulative effects of fishing effort and interactions among krill-dependent 
predators and their
performance is at present neglected in the CCAMLR Ecosystem Monitoring Program. 
However, we
show considerable overlap between male Antarctic fur seals and the krill 
fishery in a complex mosaic,
suggesting potential for cumulative impacts on other krill dependent predators. 
A holistic view is
required as part of future efforts to manage the krill fishery that 
incorporates various sources of
potential impacts on the performance of bioindicator species, including the 
fishery and its interactions
with various krill dependent predators.


Andy (on behalf of all authors)
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