Dear MARMAM community,

I will be sharing preliminary results chapters from my PhD dissertation on 
Monday, 11 January as part of the NOAA Science Seminar series.
Below is a short advert for the webinar.   Warm regards,

Gregg Verutes
Doctoral Student
Department of Applied Economy
University of Santiago de Compostela


OneNOAA Seminar Title:
An evaluation of international policies and local management strategies to 
mitigate cetacean bycatch in data-limited fisheries

Gregg Verutes, Biogeographer, University of Santiago de Compostela

11 January 2021 from 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm ET

Outline of talk:

  1.  Science - building seasonal habitat models of marine mammal distribution
  2.  Management tool - leveraging GIS and stakeholder engagement to map 
bycatch risk and data uncertainty in small-scale fisheries
  3.  Policy analysis - comparing the effectiveness of EU and US legislation to 
conserve small cetaceans through case studies

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