Dear MARMAM readers,

my co-authors and I are pleased to announce the publication of the following 
article in Frontiers in Marine Science: Marine Megafauna, Research Topic "Small 
Cetacean Conservation: Current Challenges and Opportunities":

Nachtsheim DA, Viquerat S, Ramírez-Martínez NC, Unger B, Siebert U, Gilles A 
(2021) Small cetacean in a human high-use area: Trends in harbor porpoise 
abundance in the North Sea over two decades. Frontiers in Marine Science: 
Marine Megafauna 7:606609. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2020.606609.

The North Sea is one of the most heavily used shelf regions worldwide with a 
diversity of human impacts, including shipping, pollution, fisheries and 
offshore constructions. These stressors on the environment can have 
consequences for marine organisms, such as our study species, the harbor 
porpoise (Phocoena phocoena), which is regarded as a sentinel species and hence 
has a high conservation priority in the European Union (EU). As EU member 
states are obliged to monitor the population status, the present study aims to 
estimate trends in absolute harbor porpoise abundance in the German North Sea 
based on almost two decades of aerial surveys (2002-2019) using line-transect 
methodology. Furthermore, we were interested in trends in three Natura2000 
Special Areas of Conservation (SACs), which include the harbor porpoise as 
designated feature. Trends were estimated for each SAC and two seasons (spring 
and summer) as well as the complete area of the German North Sea. For the trend 
analysis we applied a Bayesian framework to a series of replicated visual 
surveys, allowing to propagate the error structure of the original abundance 
estimates to the final trend estimate and designed to deal with spatio-temporal 
heterogeneity and other sources of uncertainty. In general, harbor porpoise 
abundance decreased in northern areas and increased in the south, such as in 
the SAC Borkum Reef Ground. A particularly strong decline with a high 
probability (94.9%) was detected in the core area and main reproduction site in 
summer, the SAC Sylt Outer Reef (-3.79% per year). The overall trend for the 
German North Sea revealed a decrease in harbor porpoise abundance over the 
whole study period (-1.79% per year) with high probability (95.1%). The 
assessment of these trends in abundance based on systematic monitoring should 
now form the basis for adaptive management, especially in the SAC Sylt Outer 
Reef, where the underlying causes and drivers for the large decline remain 
unknown and deserve further investigation, also in a regional North Sea wide 

The open access article can be accessed under this link: . Also, the article is featured in a 
Frontiers blog post, which gives a nice summary of our work:

Do not hesitate do contact me 
 or Anita Gilles 
(<>) in case 
of further questions!

All the best and Happy New Year

Dominik A. Nachtsheim, M.Sc.
University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover, Foundation
Institute for Terrestrial and Aquatic Wildlife Research (ITAW)
Werftstr. 6
25761 Büsum
Tel:  +49 511 856-8159
Fax: +49 511 856-8181


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