Hello MARMAM Members,

On behalf of my colleagues and myself, I am pleased to share with you all our 
new research article: “Whiskers as a novel tissue for tracking reproductive and 
stress-related hormones in North Pacific otariid pinnipeds”, now available in 
Conservation Physiology. The article is Open Access and can be found 

Keogh MJ, Charapata P, Fadely BS, Zeppelin T, Rea L, Waite JN, Burkanov V, 
Marshall C, Jones A, Sprowls C, Wooller MJ (2021) Whiskers as a novel tissue 
for tracking reproductive and stress-related hormones in North Pacific otariid 
pinnipeds. Conserv Physiol 9(10): coaa134; doi:10.1093/conphys/coaa134.


Keratinized tissues, including whiskers, are ideal for acquiring a record of 
physiological parameters. Most tissues provide a snapshot of physiological 
status; however, whiskers may support longitudinal sampling for reproductive 
and stress-related hormones, if hormones are incorporated as whiskers grow and 
concentrations change with physiological state. Whiskers from female Steller 
sea lions (Eumetopias jubatus) and northern fur seals (Callorhinus ursinus) 
were serially sectioned and pulverized and steroid hormones were extracted. 
Standard methods were used to validate enzyme immunoassay kits for cortisol, 
progesterone, 17β-estradiol and testosterone. All hormones were measurable in 
whisker segments from both species with progesterone concentrations showing 
cyclical patterns, which appear to signify previous pregnancies or luteal 
phases. Yearly progesterone concentrations were greater in years a pup was 
produced compared with years when no pup was observed. Free-ranging female 
Steller sea lions had reproductive rates between 0 and 1.0 (0.53 ± 0.33, n = 
12) using a yearly progesterone concentration of 30 pg/mg or greater to 
classify a reproductive year as producing a pup and below 30 pg/mg as 
non-reproductive. Cortisol concentrations were greater near the root and 
rapidly declined, lacking any obvious patterns, throughout the rest of the 
whisker. Progesterone and testosterone concentrations were able to help 
determine sex of unknown individuals. Immunohistochemistry revealed that 
steroid hormones most likely do not leach out of whiskers based on the 
deposition patterns of progesterone and cortisol being present throughout the 
whisker length. Overall, measuring steroid hormones in whiskers can reveal 
individual reproductive histories over multiple years in sea lions and fur 
seals. Cyclical patterns of δ15N were useful for identifying periods of up to 
~10 years of growth within whiskers, and measuring both stable isotopes and 
hormones may be useful for differentiating periods of active gestation from 
diapause and potentially track multi-year reproductive histories of female 

Please email lead and corresponding author (Mandy Keogh, 
mandyjke...@gmail.com<mailto:mandyjke...@gmail.com>) if you have any questions 
or are interested in the manuscript. If for any reason you do not have access 
to the article through the link, I would be happy to provide a PDF of the 
manuscript upon request 


Patrick Charapata
PhD Candidate, Baylor University

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