Dear MARMAM community,


We hope this message finds you and your families safe and healthy. As
previously announced, under the present circumstances we are forced to
post-pone the Conference of the European Cetacean Society in Israel until
Spring 2022. The current pandemic scenario opens too many question marks to
organize an ECS Conference in 2021 with enough guarantees. 


Nevertheless, at the ECS we believe it is important for the marine mammal
scientific community, not only in Europe but worldwide, to stay in touch.
Hence, we are delighted to announce the final program for an ECS WEBINAR
taking place between 15th to 19th March 2021, where invited experts will
share their knowledge and experiences with the wider community on a range of
topics covered traditionally at the ECS conferences. We hope that the
program we put together is as interesting to you, as it is to us!


ECS WEBINAR 15-19 March 2021 Program

(Notice that all times referred to in this program are given in CET Central
European Time; 

to convert to your local time check


Monday, 15 March 

14:50 – 15:00 (CET) – Welcome presentation to the webinar, by Dr. Joan
Gonzalvo, Chair of the European Cetacean Society

15:00 – 15:50 (CET) – “Are all marine mammals affected by Climate change?”,
by Camille Albouy –IFREMER, Unité Ecologie et Modèles pour l'Halieutique,

16:00 – 16:50 (CET) – “Cetaceans as oceanic engineers”, by Dr. Heidi Pearson
– Department of Natural Sciences, University of Alaska Southeast



Tuesday, 16 March

10:00 – 10:30 (CET) – “Impacts of disturbances on marine populations – the
importance of animal movements and energetics”, by Dr. Jacob Nabe-Nielsen –
Department of Bioscience, Section for Marine Mammal Research, Aarhus


10:40 – 11:10 (CET) – “Porpoise conservation from science to regulation –
basic principles illustrated by German wind farm developments”, by Dr.
Michael Dähne – German Oceanographic Museum


11:20 – 11:50 (CET) – “Studying the environment and ecology of the deep
diving elephant seals: 20 years of sensors development”, by Dr. Christophe
Guinet - Centre d’Etudes Biologiques de Chizé, CNRS-La Rochelle Université



Wednesday, 17 March

15:00 – 15:50 (CET) – “Cetacean conservation: why maths matters”, by Dr.
Greg Donovan

16:00 – 16:50 (CET) – “50 years of learning from the bottlenose dolphins of
Sarasota Bay”, by Dr. Randall S. Wells - Chicago Zoological Society's
Sarasota Dolphin Research Program


Thursday, 18 March

10:00 – 10:50 (CET) – “Cetacean tourism: It takes time and space”, by Dr.
Rochelle Constantine – School of Biological Sciences and Institute of Marine
Science, University of Auckland


11:00 – 11:30 (CET) – “Narwhals in peril”, by Professor Mads Peter
Heide-Jørgensen, Greenland Institute for Natural Resources


11:40 – 12:10 (CET) – “Killer whales of the Strait of Gibraltar, an
endangered subpopulation showing a disruptive behaviour”, by Dr. Ruth
Esteban – Madeira Whale Museum



Friday, 19 March (Students Session)

15:00 – 15:30 (CET) – “Temporal acoustic occurrence of sperm whales
(Physeter macrocephalus) and long-finned pilot whales (Globicephala melas)
off western Ireland”, by Cynthia Barile – Marine and Freshwater Research
Centre - Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology


15:40 – 16:10 (CET) – “Deep-diving beaked whales dive together but forage
apart”, by Jesús Alcázar-Treviño – BIOECOMAC, Departamento de Biología
Animal, Edafología y Geología. Universidad de La Laguna (ULL)


16:20 – 16:50 (CET) – “Fishing practices affect the behavioural budget of
bottlenose dolphins off the coast of Montenegro, South Adriatic Sea”, by
Laura Rudd – DMAD – Marine Mammals Research Association



The webinar is open to everyone and no registration is needed. It will be
hosted by the ECS using ZOOM WEBINAR. Links to access it and other relevant
details will be given closer to the date of the event. News on the webinar
are posted  <> here.

The presentations will be recorded and posted online to render them
accessible to a wider audience after the event, unless indicated otherwise
by those presenters who may be sharing some sensitive material (e.g.,
unpublished data).


Yours sincerely,

the ECS Council

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