My colleagues and I are pleased to announce the publication of the following 

Using an omnidirectional video logger to observe the underwater life of marine 
animals: Humpback whale resting behaviour.
Takashi Iwata, Martin Biuw, Kagari Aoki, Patrick J. O. Miller, and Katsufumi 
Sato. (2021) Behavioural Processes.

Animal-borne video loggers are powerful tools for investigating animal 
behaviour because they directly record immediate and extended peripheral animal 
activities; however, typical video loggers capture only a limited area on one 
side of an animal being monitored owing to their narrow field of view. Here, we 
investigated the resting behaviour of humpback whales using an animal-borne 
omnidirectional video camera combined with a behavioural data logger. In the 
video logger footage, two non-tagged resting individuals, which did not spread 
their flippers or move their flukes, were observed above a tagged animal, 
representing an apparent bout of group resting. During the video logger 
recording, the swim speed was relatively slow (0.75 m s−1), and the tagged 
animal made only a few strokes of very low amplitude during drift diving. We 
report the drift dives as resting behaviour specific to baleen whales as same 
as seals, sperm whales and loggerhead turtles. Overall, our study shows that an 
omnidirectional video logger is a valuable tool for interpreting animal ecology 
with improved accuracy owing to its ability to record a wide field of view.

This is an open-access paper. You can download it free.

Kind regards,

Takashi Iwata, Ph.D

Takashi Iwata (Ph.D)
Graduate School of Maritime Sciences, Kobe University
5-1-1 Fukaeminamimachi, Higashinada, Kobe, Hyogo, 658-0022, JAPAN
Tel: +81 78 4316323


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