Dear all,

My colleagues and I are pleased to announce the publication of the following 

Batley KC, Sandoval‐Castillo J, Kemper CM, , Zanardo, N, Tomo, I, Beheregaray, 
LB, Möller, LM (2021). Whole genomes reveal multiple candidate genes and 
pathways involved in the immune response of dolphins to a highly infectious 
virus. Molecular Ecology.

Abstract: Wildlife species are challenged by various infectious diseases that 
act as important demographic drivers of populations and have become a great 
conservation concern particularly under growing environmental changes. The new 
era of whole genome sequencing provides new opportunities and avenues to 
explore the role of genetic variants in the plasticity of immune responses, 
particularly in non-model systems. Cetacean morbillivirus (CeMV) has emerged as 
a major viral threat to cetacean populations worldwide, contributing to the 
death of thousands of individuals of multiple dolphin and whale species. To 
understand the genomic basis of immune responses to CeMV, we generated and 
analysed whole genomes of 53 Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops 
aduncus) exposed to Australia’s largest known CeMV-related mortality event that 
killed at least 50 dolphins from three different species. The genomic dataset 
consisted of 10,168,981 SNPs anchored onto 23 chromosome-length scaffolds and 
77 short scaffolds. Whole genome analysis indicated that levels of inbreeding 
in the dolphin population did not influence the outcome of an individual. 
Allele frequency estimates between survivors and non-survivors of the outbreak 
revealed 15,769 candidate SNPs, of which 689 were annotated to 295 protein 
coding genes. These included 50 genes with functions related to innate and 
adaptive immune responses, and cytokine signalling pathways and genes thought 
to be involved in immune responses to other morbilliviruses. Our study 
characterised genomic regions and pathways that likely contribute to CeMV 
immune responses in dolphins. This represents a stride towards clarifying the 
complex interactions of the cetacean immune system and emphasises the value of 
whole genome datasets in understanding genetic elements that are essential for 
species conservation, including disease susceptibility and adaptation.

The paper is accessible at


Kimberley Batley, on behalf of all co-authors

Kimberley Batley
PhD candidate

Cetacean Ecology, Behaviour and Evolution Lab (CEBEL)
Molecular Ecology Lab (MELFU)
College of Science & Engineering, Flinders University
P  +61 8  8201 3865    | E<><>   |<>

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