Dear MARMAM community,

My colleagues and I are pleased to share our new open access
publication,"Stable Isotope Analysis of Specimens of Opportunity Reveals
Ocean-Scale Site Fidelity in an Elusive Whale Species."

*Abstract*: Elusive wildlife are challenging to study, manage, or conserve,
as the difficulty of obtaining specimens or conducting direct observations
leads to major data deficiencies. Specimens of opportunity, such as
salvaged carcasses or museum specimens, are a valuable source of
fundamental biological and ecological information on data-deficient,
elusive species, increasing knowledge of biodiversity, habitat and range,
and population structure. Stable isotope analysis is a powerful indirect
tool that can be used to infer foraging behavior and habitat use
retrospectively from archived specimens. Beaked whales are a speciose group
of cetaceans that are challenging to study in situ, and although Sowerby's
beaked whale (Mesoplodon bidens) was discovered >200 years ago, little is
known about its biology. We measured δ13C and δ15N stable isotope
composition in bone, muscle, and skin tissue from 102 Sowerby's beaked
whale specimens of opportunity collected throughout the North Atlantic
Ocean to infer movement ecology and spatial population structure. Median δ13C
and δ15N values in Sowerby's beaked whale bone, muscle, and skin tissues
significantly differed between whales sampled from the east and west North
Atlantic Ocean. Quadratic discriminant analysis that simultaneously
considered δ13C and δ15N values correctly assigned >85% of the specimens to
their collection region for all tissue types. These findings demonstrate
Sowerby's beaked whale exhibits both short- and long-term site fidelity to
the region from which the specimens were collected, suggest that this
species is composed of two or more populations or exhibits a metapopulation
structure, and have implications for conservation and management policy.
Stable isotope analysis of specimens of opportunity proved a highly
successful means of generating new spatial ecology data for this elusive
species and is a method that can be effectively applied to other elusive

The publication can be freely accessed at

Please feel free to reach out with any questions.

*--Kerri J. Smith, Ph.D.*
Postdoctoral Researcher, Baylor University
Research Fellow - Smithsonian Institution
Website <>

“The love for all living creatures is the most noble attribute of man.”
-Charles Darwin
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