My co-authors and I are pleased to announce our recent publication!

Katie Kowarski, Salvatore Cerchio, Hal Whitehead & Hilary Moors-Murphy
(2021) Where, when, and why do western North Atlantic humpback whales begin
to sing?, Bioacoustics, DOI: 10.1080/09524622.2021.1972838

The article is freely available at


At the onset of the winter breeding season, male humpback whales begin a
prominent breeding behaviour, singing. Early songs are produced on summer
feeding grounds prior to migration, but little is known about the proximate
cues for the initiation of this behaviour, nor where or when it begins. We
document the phenology of humpback whale singing along the western North
Atlantic coast ranging from Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada to
Massachusetts, U.S.A. through the fall-winter of 2015-16 (seven stations)
and 2016-17 (three stations). Acoustic data from static recorders were
categorized as containing humpback whale non-song calls, song fragments, or
full songs. First heard in September, singing occurred throughout the
fall-winter, but was not regular until October. Latitude, temperature,
photoperiod, sea surface pressure, and wind speed were considered as
potential explanatory variables for four definitions of song onset using
forward stepwise regression. Final models included the environmental
variables with photoperiod negatively correlated to singing (coefficient =
-657; p-value = 0.04). Reliable environmental cues, such as photoperiod,
may produce a heritable physiological response, resulting in whales
acquiring the capacity and motivation to sing, with the subsequent timing
and nature of song production influenced by other factors.
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