Dear Marmam Subscribers,
On behalf of myself and my coauthors, we are pleased to announce the 
publication in Continental Shelf Research of our article on the distribution 
and density of  six large whale species in the New York Bight. The paper is 
available open access until November 28 at this link<>
Zoidis, A.M., Lomac-MacNair, K.S., Ireland, D.S., Rickard, M.E., McKown, K.A., 
and Schlesinger, M.D., 2021. Distribution and density of six large whale 
species in the New York Bight from monthly aerial surveys 2017 to 2020. 
Continental Shelf Research, Volume 
230<>, 15 
November 2021. p.104572.


This multi-year study investigated the density and distribution of six large 
whale species in the New York Bight (NYB): the blue whale (Balaenoptera 
musculus), fin whale (B. physalus), humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae), 
North Atlantic right whale (Eubalaena glacialis), sei whale (B. borealis), and 
sperm whale (Physeter macrocephalus). During 36 line-transect aerial surveys 
conducted systematically nearshore out to 120 nm from March 2017 to February 
2020, 318 total sightings of these species were recorded. Sighting rates varied 
by season and distance from shore. The combined density of the six species, 
uncorrected for detectability on the survey line (g[0]), was 1.7 
individuals/1,000 km2, and average annual abundance was estimated to be 76 
whales (CV = 21.2%) in the NYB survey area. When species-specific corrections 
for trackline detectability bias were applied, the overall density estimate 
increased to 6.3 individuals/1,000 km2. Sightings were characterized within 
four habitat distribution zones based on depth or distance from shore out to 
250 nm. Humpback and fin whales occurred in greater numbers than the other four 
species and were recorded in all years, in all four seasons, at minimum at 
least once in each month, and from nearshore to offshore in all habitat zones. 
Right whales were seen in all seasons except summer and occurred mainly in the 
shelf zone. Sperm whales were seen in all seasons and in all months except May 
and November, mainly in offshore waters in the plain. Blue whales were seen in 
fall and winter in offshore waters, and sei whales in spring on the shelf and 
slope. All large whales were most frequently sighted in the shelf zone with 
similar albeit lower numbers seen in the slope and plain habitat. Large whale 
sighting rates were highest during summer, followed by spring. Results from 
these surveys provide valuable data on the year-round occurrence of large 
whales, including blue and sei whales which have rarely been recorded in 
Atlantic seaboard waters west of Cape Cod, and provide a basis for management 
and conservation efforts in the NYB. These data can inform assessments of 
current measures to protect large whales from anthropogenic threats like 
fishing, shipping, and offshore wind development in the NYB, as well as 
evaluations of specific potential impacts of such activities (e.g., 
site-specific take estimates and noise exposures).

For further information on this publication or to request a pdf please contact 
me at<>

Thank you!

Ann M. Zoidis, M.S. | Environmental Project Manager, Senior Biologist, Marine 
Mammal Scientist
Direct: CA Office: 510.302.6358 | ME Office: 207-288-0976  | Cell: 510.393.5906 
| Fax: 510.433.0830<>

Tetra Tech
1999 Harrison Street, Suite 500 | Oakland, CA 94612  |<>

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