Dear colleagues,

Our paper on long-term memory in harbour seals has just been published in PeerJ.

Varola M, Verga L, Sroka MGU, Villanueva S, Charrier I, Ravignani A. 2021. Can 
harbor seals (Phoca vitulina) discriminate familiar conspecific calls after 
long periods of separation? PeerJ 9:e12431

The ability to discriminate between familiar and unfamiliar calls may play a 
key role in pinnipeds’ communication and survival, as in the case of mother-pup 
interactions. Vocal discrimination abilities have been suggested to be more 
developed in pinniped species with the highest selective pressure such as the 
otariids; yet, in some group-living phocids, such as harbor seals (Phoca 
vitulina), mothers are also able to recognize their pup’s voice. Conspecifics’ 
vocal recognition in pups has never been investigated; however, the repeated 
interaction occurring between pups within the breeding season suggests that 
long-term vocal discrimination may occur. Here we explored this hypothesis by 
presenting three rehabilitated seal pups with playbacks of vocalizations from 
unfamiliar or familiar pups. It is uncommon for seals to come into 
rehabilitation for a second time in their lifespan, and this study took 
advantage of these rare cases. A simple visual inspection of the data plots 
seemed to show more reactions, and of longer duration, in response to familiar 
as compared to unfamiliar playbacks in two out of three pups. However, 
statistical analyses revealed no significant difference between the 
experimental conditions. We also found no significant asymmetry in orientation 
(left vs. right) towards familiar and unfamiliar sounds. While statistics do 
not support the hypothesis of an established ability to discriminate familiar 
vocalizations from unfamiliar ones in harbor seal pups, further investigations 
with a larger sample size are needed to confirm or refute this hypothesis.

The paper is available here: .

If the link above does not work and you would like to obtain a PDF, do not 
hesitate to contact me at: .

Kind regards,

Andrea Ravignani
Group Leader, Comparative Bioacoustics, 
Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics

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