Dear colleagues

We are pleased to share with you our new publication where we identified that
the Colombian Caribbean Sea could be a tropical important habitat for the
sperm whale:

Avila, I.C., Farías-Curtidor, N., Castellanos-Mora, L., Bohrer do Amaral,
K., Barragán-Barrera, D., Orozco, C., León, J. & V. Puentes. (2022). The
Colombian Caribbean Sea, a tropical habitat for the vulnerable sperm whale
(Physeter macrocephalus)? Oryx.doi:


We studied the sperm whale *Physeter macrocephalus* in the Colombian
Caribbean by combining data from our offshore surveys of behaviour,
encounter rate, group structure and density with data from the literature.
We describe for the first time the potential distribution of sperm whales
in the Colombian Caribbean, using sighting and acoustic data obtained
during our surveys, published information, and opportunistic encounters
during 1988–2020. Observations during surveys were conducted on seismic
vessels over an area 68,904.7 km2  and 703 days of observation effort
during 2011–2016. We recorded 98 individuals in a total of 50 groups, a
density of 1.42 individuals per 1,000 km2. To determine the potential
distribution of the species, we built Maxent models with uncorrelated
environmental variables at five depths (from the surface to c. 2,000 m).
The model for 1,000 m depth had the best performance, with areas of high
probability of occurrence of sperm whales in the south and north-east
Colombian Caribbean over the shelf break to waters up to c. 3,000 m deep,
at a median distance of 107 km from the coast, and near the Archipelago of
San Andres, Old Providence and Saint Catherine in the north-west. This area
may be an important tropical habitat for sperm whales, in which they
socialize, rest, breed and feed. Our study underlines the importance of
monitoring marine mammals offshore and describes the potential distribution
of sperm whales in the Colombian Caribbean, supporting conservation actions
for this Vulnerable species, which is currently facing several threats in
this region.

The article is Open Access and is available here:doi:

Best regards,
Isabel C. Avila

Dr. Isabel Cristina Avila Jiménez
Marine Biologist PhD in Environmental Sciences
Research Associate of the Institute for Terrestrial and Aquatic Wildlife
Research (ITAW), University of Hannover, Germany
Research member of the Animal Ecology group, Universidad del Valle, Colombia
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