G’day Marmamers,

The recent paper “A stochastic model for estimating sustainable limits to 
wildlife mortality in a changing world” 
(https://conbio.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/cobi.13897) introduced a 
new method for assessing if we are “taking too many” in, amongst other things, 
our seemingly insatiable hunger for marine wildlife. This paper has attained 
the #1 Attention Score of over 3,600 outputs from Conservation Biology tracked 
by Altmetric (https://wiley.altmetric.com/details/122229482#score), and we hope 
the method might prove broadly useful to scientists, managers, consultants and 
decision-makers going forward. Please reach out to the corresponding author if 
you’d like to discuss it further (Oliver Manlik: 

Sticking with the bycatch theme, I am also pleased to bring to your attention 
(on behalf of a different suite of co-authors) a recent publication in Marine 

Dolman S, Breen C, Brakes P, Butterworth A, Allen SJ 2022. The individual 
welfare concerns for small cetaceans from two bycatch mitigation techniques. 
Marine Policy 143: 105126. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marpol.2022.105126

Abstract: The prevalence of small cetacean (including dolphins, porpoises and 
small odontocete whales) bycatch in fisheries worldwide remains an ongoing 
conservation and welfare challenge. Various mitigation methods have been 
implemented in attempts to reduce bycatch. Two such methods involve gear 
modification: placement of Bycatch Reduction Devices (BRDs) within trawl 
 usually involving a physical barrier and an escape hatch; and, deployment of 
Acoustic Deterrent Devices (ADDs, ‘pingers’), typically placed on static nets 
and some trawl nets, to alert cetaceans to their presence and deter them from 
interacting with the gear. Despite their efficacy in reducing bycatch under 
certain circumstances, negative welfare impacts remain for individuals 
interacting with both BRDs and ADDs. Post-mortem analyses of small cetaceans 
caught in trawl gear, for example, illustrate the potential long-term effects 
of capture myopathies and cardiac damage sustained during the acute stress of 
prior to and during escape through the BRD. Further, animals may become 
entangled in the bars, ropes or mesh of the BRD or escape hatch itself, and 
little is known of their post-release survival. ADD efficacy is typically 
fishery- and cetacean species-specific and, even where deemed a success at 
reducing bycatch, displacing animals from their optimal foraging habitat could 
negatively impact individual survival. Some species display equivocal responses 
to ADDs, while others may habituate to or be attracted to the sounds produced 
as they learn to associate it with food rewards, as they do in trawl fisheries, 
thereby reducing ADD efficacy and increasing the likelihood of entanglement. 
Here, we provide a synthesis of existing studies of these mitigation methods 
and discuss the associated welfare issues, where poor welfare negatively 
impacts an individual’s physical or mental state. We conclude that cetacean 
welfare considerations should become an integral part of decision-making in 
relation to bycatch globally.

Please contact the corresponding authors if you have any queries or would like 
a PDF of the manuscript (Sarah Dolman 
sarahdol...@eia-international.org<mailto:sarahdol...@eia-international.org> or 
Charlotte Breen charlotte.br...@icloud.com<mailto:charlotte.br...@icloud.com>).

All the best, Simon

Dr Simon J Allen
Senior Lecturer
School of Biological Sciences
University of Bristol

Mob: +44 (0) 77047 53101 [UK] / +61 (0) 416 083 653 [AU]
Email: simon.al...@bristol.ac.uk<mailto:simon.al...@bristol.ac.uk> / 
Web: http://www.sharkbaydolphins.org
Twitter: @SimonJAllen1

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Recent papers: Estimating sustainable limits to human-caused wildlife mortality 
Cooperation-based concept formation in bottlenose dolphins 
Non-vertical transmission of a dolphin foraging innovation 
Declines in dolphin survival and reproduction following a heatwave 

“Believe me, my young friend, there is nothing–absolutely nothing–half so much 
worth doing as simply messing about in boats.” (Kenneth Grahame)
“I must say here, in passing, that those captains who have scientists… aboard 
their ships, must take with them a good supply of patience. I admit that 
although I have no lack of it, the scientists have frequently driven me to the 
end of my tether...” (Nicolas Baudin)
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