Dear all,

My co-authors and I are pleased to inform you on the publication of the
following paper:

Vermeulen E, Jouve E, Best P, Cliff G, Dicken M, Kotze D, McCue S, Meÿer M,
Seakamela M, Thompson G, Thornton M, Wilkinson C. 2022. Mortalities of
southern right whales (Eubalaena australis) and related anthropogenic
factors in South African waters, 1999–2019. JCRM; 23(1):149-6.

The southern right whale (Eubalaena australis; SRW) population in South
Africa’s coastal waters has experienced marked changes since 2009,
including altered feeding and migration behaviour, and decreased calving
success. At the same time, anthropogenic activities in the area have
increased. Based on this, an update on SRW mortalities and related
anthropogenic factors is warranted. Building on the published information
of Best et al. (2001a), data were collated on all SRW mortalities as well
as non‐fatal ship‐strikes and entanglements along the South African coast
between 1999 and 2019. A total of 97 SRW mortalities were recorded,
including three that did not result in a stranding, of which the majority
were classified as calves of the year. Most of these occurred on the
Western Cape coast between the months of July to November, coinciding with
the seasonal presence of the species in South African coastal waters.
Eleven of these mortalities could be attributed to ship‐strikes whereas
three mortalities related to entanglements. A total of 98 non‐fatal
incidents, including 16 ship‐strikes and 82 entanglements with SRWs, were
recorded in South Africa between 1999 and 2019. Ship‐strikes occurred
mainly around the area of Cape Town harbour. Entanglements occurred mainly
in rock‐lobster gear and bather‐protection nets in the Western Cape and
KwaZulu‐Natal provinces respectively, although the latter did not occur
between 2015–2019 attributable to the replacement of over 70% of the nets
by drumlines, and the removal of the remaining nets during whale season. In
general, the incidence of SRW mortalities and entanglements decreased
post‐2007, coinciding with the decreased presence of SRWs along the South
African coast. Available data show a relatively low rate of fatal
entanglements and ship‐strikes, although this may be underestimated due to
the opportunistic nature of the collated data. In view of the population
growth rate and the increased anthropogenic activities in South African
coastal waters, continued and improved monitoring (e.g. through a more
systematic reporting system) of these incidents is crucial to ensure
accurate knowledge‐based management decisions in the future. Possible
mitigation measures aimed at reducing anthropogenic interactions are mooted.

This article is available from:
An electronic copy can be requested at

With kind regards,


Dr Els Vermeulen

Senior Lecturer and Research Manager

Mammal Research Institute Whale Unit

Department of Zoology and Entomology

University of Pretoria, South Africa

t: +27 (0)60 9714301




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